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Y/N's casually playing some games using Scarlett's phone because she can. After finishing the Buzzfeed video, she sent it to her manager so they can edit it and all. And she decided to come along with Scarlett for the next filming, since she loves watching her girlfriend doing her thing. Scarlett is an amazing actress, and Y/N adores every character she portrayed.

But of course, Natasha Romanoff will always be her favorite.

Y/N's just chilling around the set since they haven't started yet, they're trying to figure out what to do because the guy that supposed to be playing the stripper slash criminal couldn't come due to health issues.

"Okay," Zoë nodded her head, "Can we just change the gender? I mean, we're already far behind with this scene." She suggested.

"Yeah, we can do that, we need to be open minded with this one." Lucia said, the director of Rough Night.

Suddenly, the ladies' heads turned to Y/N, who's sitting on the couch, looking so serious while playing her games.

"Oh, yes." Lucia grinned.

Scarlett then looked at Lucia, "No, wait a second. I'm not sure if I can do my scenes properly."

Lucia raised an eyebrow, "Why? You're like so good and professional."

"They're fucking." Jillian whispered, so only them can hear.

Scarlett gasped, "Jillian!"

"Oh, yeah. You two are girlfriends!" Lucia said and chuckled. "It'll be fine! Let's just ask her."

They all looked at Y/N.

"Oh, no! Don't shoot at me!" Y/N whined, "Wait, there we go!" She laughed and nodded her head.

"Y/N?" Lucia spoke.

Y/N just hummed, too focus playing.

"Hey, cutie." Zoë tried.

Still, Y/N didn't respond.

"Hey, Y/N?" Scarlett spoke.

Almost immediately, Y/N looked up from Scarlett's phone, gazing at Scarlett with her innocent eyes. "Yes?"

Scarlett smirked. What a good girl. She thought.

"We want to ask you something." Lucia said, once they got Y/N's attention.

"Oh," Y/N nodded her head and locked the phone. "I'm listening."

"So basically, the guy that'll supposed to play the stripper slash criminal, couldn't come last minute because of health issues. And since we can just change the gender, I'm willing to do that, we just need someone. So, are you willing to replace him?" Lucia asked as she smiles widely.

The others are also smiling, hoping.

"You don't have to do it, baby." Scarlett said, smiling reassuringly.

Lucia nodded her head, "Yes. No pressure, sweet. Tell you what, why don't we just try it? And we'll be looking for a replacement while we film it. And if you really don't want it or something, then I won't force you to continue." She said, smiling.

Y/N thought about it. Until she nodded her head, "Let's try it first."

Everyone cheered.


"You're gonna be awesome." Scarlett whispered, smiling.

After Lucia changed some lines, Y/N studied it and memorized her parts. Now, she's ready to film.

Best Friends • Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now