The Ground Below is Above My Feet

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The Ground Below is Above My Feet

by : zanni_scaramouche

- "-ouis, are you awake?"

"M'ff," Louis manages. Slowly he remembers where he is. Who he is. His nerve endings take stock of his body, the soft sheets twisted around his legs and the warm rush of breath on his face. Harry.

"You were sleeping like the dead," Harry muses, calloused fingers delicately brushing through Louis' fringe. "Could barely tell if you were breathing."

Louis' heart stutters, his throat working hard to swallow the lump of ugly truth. Blinks until Harry's bright eyes come into focus across the pillow.

He holds back the obvious joke.

Words : 63k

Chapters : 4

Triggers : substance abuse, insomnia, depression, overdose, dark themes

Read Time : 3 days

- this was SO GOOD. it was the perfect amount of dark and sweet! i liked the progression of their relationship and it reminded me of another fic i've read before.

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