Baby You Found Me Out

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Baby You Found Me Out

by : 1Dlzlnh

- "The only way that I could ever see you differently is if you're an omega or alpha or something." Liam tries to joke but his face falls when Louis's face pales. "Oh shit! That's what it is isn't it that's what they are hiding."
Louis just holds out the papers for Liam to take. "I think I'm gonna be sick," Louis mumbles sitting down next to Liam and his hands are visibly shaking. "Just read it please?" Louis curls up again under the blanket. This is all far too unexpected and was he really ready for the world to know?

Or the beta Louis trope where he really is an omega and things take a turn when his bandmates find out

This is a zianourry fic!!!

Words : 47k

Chapters : 20

Triggers : rape, depression, panic attacks

Read Time : 2 days

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