And I know these scars will bleed

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And I know these scars will bleed

by : sweetkisses

- "It's Sunday." Louis says as he sits next to Harry by the window.
"It is." Harry chuckles and looks over at the blushing boy.
"We are allowed outside on Sundays." Louis whispers and Harry knows want Louis wants, the omega won't ask it but Harry knows.
"Do you want to go outside?" Harry asks and Louis perks up and looks at Harry.
Or Harry has anger issues and he meets Louis in a rehab center

Words : 10k

Chapters : 1

Triggers : eating disorders and anger issues

Read Time : 1. day

- i don't usually read one shots but this one was longer than normal so i thought id give it a try. it was rlly cute and sweet ngl and i def recommend it if you want a quick read with a little bit of plot!!

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