tell me how to win your heart (for I haven't got a clue)

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tell me how to win your heart (for I haven't got a clue)

by : hayley24601

- written for blff prompt 113: alpha quidditch player harry and omega hufflepuff shy louis. enemies to lovers
Or - the one where Louis is content to embark on his last year of Hogwarts with his three best mates by his side. He's also got the library, his cat Marmalade, and all the Butterbeer in the world. Getting assigned to be yearlong parters with a certain horrid, curly-haired Quidditch star Alpha whom he's sincerely detested for forever, was not part of the plan

Words : 33k

Chapters : 1

Triggers : none

Read Time : 1 day

- This was rlly good ahh!! I usually don't like hogwarts au's but this one was rlly good! I loved the way the story evolved even though sometimes it got on my nerves lol! Go read this!!

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