There You Are

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There You Are

by : lovelarry10

- "How do you know I've got problems?" Harry asked, cocking his eyebrows at the man next to him, suddenly full of a deep desire to confess everything if it kept Louis' eyes on him for the rest of eternity.
"Your eyes," Louis said with a shrug. "They look a bit sad. I don't like that. So go on, unburden yourself to your friendly neighbourhood stripper."
"You're not just a stripper," Harry mumbled as he took another sip of his drink, mentally debating with himself over how to word what he was about to say before he figured he'd just say it in the simplest way possible. "I found my husband in bed fucking another man."
* * * * *
Harry's entire life has fallen apart - in one night, his carefully planned future is suddenly uncertain.
Then he meets Louis.

Words : 82k

Chapters : 16

Triggers : strippers (idk if that's a trigger but if it makes you uncomfortable to read stripper au's, then it's a warning)

Read Time : 3 days

- this was honestly rlly well written and i enjoyed it a lot. I think the relationship bit was longer than what i usually like to read but it was good!! definitely recommend it!

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