Confessions of a Fabricated Alpha

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Confessions of a Fabricated Alpha

by : jaerie

- Hearing it now almost made Harry hang up the phone, but he sighed and pressed one to be connected to one of their alpha operators. He'd already committed to this low point in his life and hanging up meant he couldn't wallow in it and he was in a wallowing mood.
"You are being connected to alpha operator number forty-four. Rogue will be with you shortly."
The name was said in a different voice like a voice mailbox someone might have on their office phone. It made him snort out a laugh at how stupid it all was. It felt like a budget sex line.

or famous alpha Harry Styles has a secret and paying an alpha to roleplay a relationship with him over the phone is the only way he can be himself.

Words : 18k

Chapters : 1

Triggers : rape/non-con

Read Time : 1 day

- this was rlly good! even though it was short it felt really thought out and had a good plot! i really enjoyed it

Larry AO3 Recs Where stories live. Discover now