A Certain Satisfaction

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A Certain Satisfaction

by : creamcoffeelou, delsicle

- "Sit, sit, please," he said, so Louis sat, folding up his hands in front of him.
Harry cracked up his bottle of water, looking at Louis for a long moment as he took a drink. When he was done, he set the bottle on the desk, then pulled his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose, looking at Louis over the edges of the frames.
"So," he said, "Louis. Do you have any previous experience with pornography?"
Louis blinked, shuffling his feet.
"I'm sorry, what?"

OR: The porn au where Louis is a university student who needs money and runs across an ad that sounds too good to be true.

Words : 51k

Chapters : 1

Triggers : porn?

Read Time : 2 days

- this was rlly good ngl. i liked this plot it's not something i read often at all. i loved their relationship throughout this

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