It's My Party (and I'll Cry If I Want To)

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It's My Party (and I'll Cry If I Want To)

by : lovelarry10

- "Sorry, who are you?"
"Oh. Yes. I'm Harry, from Fabulous Frog? I did ring the bell a few times, but there was no answer, and I heard laughter so I thought I'd pop my head round..."
"Oh! You're the party person! Wow, of course. I'm sorry, lost track of time playing with these monsters," Louis said, hurrying over and shaking Harry's outstretched hand. "Lovely to meet you. Did you want to sit out here rather than indoors? Seems too nice a day to waste inside, and I can watch the children."
"Sounds fine to me. I hope I didn't scare you, or them? Some people don't expect a guy to turn up when they ask to speak to me..."
Louis needs help planning the party of the year for his siblings. Party planner Harry Styles is the last thing he expects.

Words : 32k

Chapters : 1

Triggers : none

Read Time : 1 day

- this was rlly good! i LOVED the ending. it was cute and kind of a slow burn? i guess.. idk it was rlly good def recommend

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