I Could, But Wouldn't Stay

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I Could, But Wouldn't Stay

by : thatsoundsgood

- Louis has been running from his past for years but you can only run for so long before you're caught.
or the one where Louis' mom married into The Irish Mafia and Louis may meet his destruction in the Styles Twins.

-abo verse- omega louis-mafia styles-

Words : 120k

Chapters : 35 (but last actual chapter is 33)

Triggers : kidnapping, child abuse, rape, killing .

Read Time : 2 days (i couldn't stop reading)

- this was rlly good. I didn't want to stop reading it, i do love me some abo fics. It was well written, please read the tags on the fic along with the triggers i wrote here, not all of them are super in depth, but some are definitely there!

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