we should open up (before its all too much)

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we should open up (before it's all too much)

by : disgruntledkittenface

- "I'm not–" Harry breaks off, his voice strangled as he clutches his phone in his hand. He takes a breath and looks up, trying to keep the tears threatening to spill over at bay. "Louis, I'm not very good company these days. I–"
"Harry," Louis interrupts, his raspy voice soft and soothing. "I get it. Sometimes it's just easier to be alone, yeah?"
Harry nods, blinking back the last of his tears.
"But it can get lonely," Louis states. Harry nods again even though it wasn't a question, finally looking back at him. "So why don't we try being alone, together?"
Struggling with grieving and depression since his dad died, Harry has never felt so alone. It's too much to cope with on his own, but he feels like a burden when he tries to open up with people.
Then he meets Louis.

-strangers to lovers-

Words :

Chapters : 12

Triggers : past character deaths

Read Time : 2 days

- this was rlly good. It talked a lot about emotions and I liked that the characters seemed like real people.... there was a plot twist at the end that wasn't exactly my fav, but it still ended cutely!

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