A World Without Augusts

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A World Without Augusts

by : neversaygoodbye

- Boyfriend cheated? Check
Lost his job? Check
Is somehow sitting in the hallway of an inn on Isle Of Eden with a dog lapping at his feet? Also check

In a grand big mess of losing his job and coming back home to his boyfriend with another man in their bed, Louis Tomlinson found himself on a remote island in Ireland without any preparation for being there. No bookings, doesn't know anyone there and a suitcase without enough jumpers. Of course the logical thing is to ask the blonde beside him at the dock where to go. Of course.

Inspired by the Netflix movie 'Falling Inn Love'

Words : 51k

Chapters : 35k

Triggers : alcoholism, mentions of self harm

- this one was rlly good. def a little angsty but also reminded me of tired tired sea!

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