Resist Everything Except Temptation

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Resist Everything Except Temptation

by : Lis (domesticharry)

-The lethargic sound of heels clicking against wood resonated across the sea. Footsteps descended the staircase, every assured step creating a menacing aura as it grew closer. Perspiration gathered along Louis' palms as the rhythmic sound halted in front of him.
"Captain," Malik greeted.
Louis watched out of his peripheral as Malik's boots shuffled back a few steps. Sweat matted the hair along the nape of Louis' neck as he waited for something to happen. He felt as if a sharp blade was twisting his gut as the silence became tangible.
There was a metallic slide of a sword being pulled out of its sheath, the sound startling Louis out of his cocoon of sterile shock. His shoulders jumped as the tip of a blade flattened underneath his jaw. Louis' distorted reflection stared back at him in the polished metal. Engraved rose petals twisted his appearance as they crawled up the length of the sword. The sword lifted and took Louis' chin with it.
Standing in front of Louis was Captain Styles.
The one where Louis is the commodore's son who is forced to become a part of Harry's crew when he is captured.

-Pirate AU-

Words : 100k

Chapters : 10

Trigger Warnings : violence, death (no main characters)

Read Time : 2 days

- This was sooo good. Definitely my favorite pirate au i've ever read. It was so cute and angsty and I was smiling so hard during the last half of it.

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