a kiss from a rose

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a kiss from a rose

by : princelouisau

- "What the fuck was that?" Louis screeches, backing himself up against the back wall, ignoring the pain of the hand rail digging into him. The lift isn't making any noise now, eerie silence filling the space.
The other man looks a lot less panicked than Louis feels, merely frowning at the door like it'll open if he glares at it hard enough. "I think it's broken down," he says. "It'll probably start back up in a minute. Place like this—probably happens all the time."
Louis is not comforted by that at all.

or, two strangers get stuck in a lift and come out obsessed with each other.

Words : 26k

Chapters : 1

Read Time : 2 days

Triggers : panic attacks, abo dynamics

- this one was rlly good! it was more than a one shot and there's a whole plot along with it. def loved the pining and angst along the way!

Larry AO3 Recs Where stories live. Discover now