Everyone Dies in the End: s3 ep14 pt2

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Scarlett's POV

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Scarlett's POV

Beau and I were lead throughout the compound, until we reached the end of a corridor.

"No Z's topside." One of the Zona soldiers said. "We've already sent confirmation to Zona command that you are in possesion of the package. Your exfil craft will zero in on the signal with the sat phone."

"There may be others." Beau said, glancing back at me to make sure I was still there. "Non- friendlies." Was he talking about Addy and Doc? "If they do happen to make it inside, shoot to kill."

"No! Don't kill them-"

"Shoot to kill." Beau growled, covering my mouth. 

"Yes, sir." The soldier said. "Move out."

Once they were gone, Beau grabbed my wrist and pulled me with him. "Because of you, more people are gonna live. Soon, whatever is left of the world is gonna know how special you are." 

"What's gonna happen to me?" My voice was soft... timid.

"We're gonna find out." He pulled me to walk in front of him and kept a hand on my lower back as we ran up a staircase and into the open air. Something in the pit of my stomach started to swirl.

A mix of fear and... sympathy? Sympathy? For what... or who?

Without having nay time to dwell on it, Beau and I made it to the top of the compound and he began to pull stuff out of his bag. He pulled out the sat phone and held it up to his ear. 

Beau and I stood, waiting for Zona when the sound of pounding footsteps rushed up the stairs. Both of us turned and Beau pulled out his gun and pointed it at the people.

"Oh, thank God." Warren, Murphy and Doc came into view.

"Stay there." Beau warned but I didn't listen.

"Scarlett." Murphy gasped, he looked relived to see me breathing. The, now white-skinned, man growled and tried to step to Beau but Doc and Warren cut him off.

"Are you crazy? If he gets you and Scarlett, game over. Everybody dies, Zona wins. This is not why we came this far."

"That is my child, and we will get her." Murphy growled, his eyes trained on me. "Kill him."

"Keep me covered." Warren said, Doc nodded. Warren lowered her gun and held her hands up. "Listen. We don't want any trouble. We just want the girl." She looked from Beau to me. "Hey, Pea. Are you feeling better?"

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