Zombie Baby Daddy: s2 ep6 pt2

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Scarlett's POV

Again, Cassandra and I sat side by side watching the three closely. This time they look less suspicious, until, Doc and Tommy both looked over at us.

The two of us stiffened when Tommy walked over. "We need to talk. You really hurt Addy, Cassandra. And you hurt Doc." He looked at me.

I looked away from the two behind him and into his eyes.

"Listen, we need to look for Murphy. We want to help him but we need to find him first."

"Nobody leaves." The two of us growled at Tommy. He eyed Cassandra then looked at me with a sigh. He opened his mouth to say something but cut himself off with a shake of his head.

He looked back at Doc and Addy, the two began running away.

Cassandra jumped up first, Tommy immediately grabbed her waist and pulled her back giving me the opportunity to run after Doc and Addy.

Right when I was about to reach to the two, the three of us were cut short when a loud roaring rang throughout the air.

"Scarlett, listen. Cassandra's gonna hurt 10k. You have to help him." Addy told me. I snarled her when she reached out for me but she continued to touch my face. "We know that this isn't you. Please, Scarlett."

I continued staring into Addy's eyes. I swallowed my spit before giving her a single nod and running back to help the boy.

Seeing her on top of him sent me into a rage. I ran forward and tackled her onto the ground, pinning her under me.

I snarled in her face and began fighting her. I hit her in the face multiple times but the impacts never really hurt her.

She rolled on top of me and began smashing my head into the ground repeatedly until I was able to get my leg under her and kick her off.

She slammed into a tree but instantly got back up and growled at me. "Murphy will be mad."

"Screw Murphy." I snarled again and pulled a knife from Tommy's belt. He still laid breathless on the ground.

The two of us charged at each other once more. She shoved me to the ground and crawled on top of me again. She tried to slash at my face but I dodged almost every swing.

She was able to land one hit on me before I twisted her wrist and flipped her onto her back.

Flipping the knife in my fingers, I held it with the blade pointing forward and plunged it through the bottom of her chin and through her skull.

She exhaled one last time before her arms dropped beside her head. I pulled the knife out and threw it to the side.

Unexpectedly, I cried. Zombies don't cry but here I was, mourning my sisters death that I caused.

I felt like I wasn't allowed to cry. After all, I killed her. But you have to understand, she was hurting Tommy.

Speaking of, I slid off of her dead body and crawled over to his. He was awake and saw it happen. I was breathing heavily.

He didn't say anything, instead, I was embraced in a hug. He held me close to him and I let a few silent tears fall from my face.

"You did what you had to do." He soothed my hair down and rubbed my back.


Tommy finished burying Cassandra's body just as Addy, Doc, Warren and Javi came back to the small camp we had set up.

The five held a short conversation while I stared blankly at Cassandra's grave.

"What's that?" Doc pointed to the grave.

"Cassandra." Tommy responded, Addy dropped to her knees.

"What happened."

"Scarlett did what she had to do."

"You mercied her?" Warren asked me but I made no sign of speaking to her.

"She gave her no choice." Tommy spoke for me.

"Saw that one coming." Javi mumbled.

"She was our friend." Addy said angrily in response to Javi's comment.

"You told me to help 10k." I shrugged. "I did."

"It's ok, kid. We understand." Doc said. I didn't speak another word.

"What's going on here?" Murphy asked from behind Tommy and I. "Where's Cassandra."

"She's dead." Warren told him and stepped forward. "I'm sorry."

"How?" He asked, stepping off the hill. "What happened."

"I mercied her." I told him and he frowned.

"I gave her life. You had no right to take that away."

"She wasn't human."

"Oh and you are?"

"Not since I asked you to bite me. You can't control me anymore Murphy. I'm not a zombie. I will never be your slave." I snarled stepping up to him. After a second I realized something was missing. "Where's Lucy?"

"You don't have to worry about the baby anymore." He pushed past me, shoving my shoulder as he went.

I looked around at everybody but only one thing truly caught my eye. "You're hurt?" I asked Javi, pulling up his shirt. "What happened?"

"Zeros. Doesn't matter anymore, talk to me Mija."



Ok, I'm gonna be completely honest when I say I didn't like my decision to make Scarlett one of Murphy's zombie followers so I used this episode as the chance to give her life again

You'll understand more in the future episodes

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