Duel: s3 ep13

320 8 16

Scarlett's POV

The Man was crouched over, filling a gas can. He glanced back to make sure I was still present and sure enough I was stading there with a glare. "So, who bit you?"

I stayed silent, keeping my eyes trained on the man. "Was it Murphy?" He stood and turned around, his physic towered over mine. He reached up and traced his thumb over my bite mark. I turned my face so it was out of his grasp.

I heard the crinkle of a paper and was barely able to see The Man holding a poloraoid photo up to my cheek. "Well, if the shoe fits. I guess his attempts didn't take the first two times?" He gestured to my collar bone then my arm.

I let a small smirk fall onto my lips before building up my saliva and spitting on him. He wiped his cheek off but decided against doing anything to me. 

Suddenly, a loud scream erupted in the air, which could only belong to Lucy. I began to run towards the sound and when I made it to the scene, Lucy was in the arms of Addy. Of course she was the one to find us. I bet she split up from Doc. "Addison Carver." I sighed.

"Thank God, c'mon Scarlett and Lucy. Let's get back and find Doc."

"Nobodies going anywhere." The Man said from behind me. Addy froze for a second before starting to march towards him. She pushed me out of the way as The Man tossed one of the full gas cans towards Addy's head.

She went swing her z whacker at The Man but he used the other gas can to smash against her face. Addy groaned and fell to the floor unconsious. I began to go kneal down beside her when she shot up and hit him in the back of the knee. 

He collapsed to the ground but turned and backhanded Addy in the face. She kept using her Z Whacker while The Man was using his body parts, his legs and arms to be exact. 

Lucy screamed again, distracting The Man and Addy as Z's came towards them. Just as they finished mercying the z's, Addy immediately went to kick The Man in his side. She did it to his other side as well before he shoved her away. 

I came out from behind Addy and knee'd The Man in the chest then in his groin. He groaned and stumbled back a bit and Addy came around and began to reach her leg high enough to kick him in the face.

He wrapped his arm around her leg, hooking it onto his shoulder before he flipped her around to land onto her back. She laid still, trying to catch her breathe.

I came up from behind The Man and swung my legs up so they wrapped around his neck. I began beating on his head as he moved us backwards. He slammed me down on an old abandoned tire and began to choke me while I squeezed his neck with my legs.

I had enough of not breathing, so I brought both my legs back and kicked him in the face. He stumbled, holding his jaw. Addy still laid immobalized yet The Man started to advance towards her. I got to the woman first and began to get her up while trying to catch my breath.

A line of fire suddenly sperated Addy and I from The Man and Lucy started yelling for us to get up. When The Man started to cross over the line, I pushed Addy up and in the direction she ran off in.

I tried to throw a punch but The Man grabbed my fist and twisted it till I had to kneel so it would stop hurting. He punched my face, making me land face first on the ground. "Y'know, I don't even need the girl. I could just take you, seeing as how you have so much of Murphy flowing through your DNA as both him and his daughter."

He grabbed a fistfull of my hair and pulled me up to see my face. "Does that mean you'll leave her alone?" I snarled. 

"If you turn out to be what I hope." He pulled me up and forced me over to a tan vehicle. I was shoved into the passenger seat before The Man went to the drivers and we pulled away from the docks.


We sat in silence for a couple hours, I occasionally glanced at The Man and stared at him until I could feel the uncomfortableness radiating off of him.

We came to a stop in front of a road block and The Man kept his eyes on me as he unbuckled and exited the vehicle. He looked around with his gun raised when two gunshots came from behind the cars and landed in The Man's chest.

I got out of the vehicle and Lucy ran into my arms. "You ok?" I asked the young girl, soothing down her hair. She nodded and smiled up at me. 

"Hey, he's out. We gotta go." Addy called.

"I'll drive, you should treat your wounds as best as you could." I went to the drivers side and got in as Addy switched. 

"Oh, girl. We gotta take you shopping." Addy said to Lucy, looking at her in the back seat. I turned the car on and turned the vehicle around, going West instead.


We came to a stop at a clothing store in a small town, found a pink leather jacket for Lucy to wear, but she wasted a bit of time by hiding behind a curtain and not excepting the truth about Serena's death.

She then went on and on about how Zombies just don't know any better and don't mean to be mean. She sang a song about two of them being in love until she cut herself off by looking at the entrance of the store.

Addy and I looked as well, The Man stood there and eyed me. "We had an agreement, Scarlett."

"Kiss my ass." I grabbed a stileto off the shoe rack and threw it towards him. It imbedded in his chest, he took a step back before pulling it out and coming towards me once more. 

I tried to fight him, I did, but he ended up throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me out. "Either you or Lucy, remember?"


Not Edited

This chapter may be a bit shorter but it's long enough 😋

Btw I absolutely hate that his name is "The Man" so I might give him a name like... Bruce or maybe Brutus... idk

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