Election Day: s3 ep8

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3rd POV

Scarlett sat little ways ahead of Doc and Addy, her back facing them as she threw up. Upon feeling eyes watching her, she just glanced back at Addy before turning her head forward again.

"I don't know if we can do this, Doc." Addy muttered, referring to mercying the young girl. "Mentally and physically, I can't do that to her."

"I know, but, it's what the girl wants. It's not our choice."

"I know." She turned to Doc and walked over to his side where he was trying to fix the box truck. "It's been just about three years since we found her at the camp... she shouldn't even be legal drinking age yet. It's terrible."

"There's only so much we can do." Doc muttered finally, glancing at the girl who was making her way over to them.

"Hey, Doc, you should let us trim your beard." Scarlett said, showing off a small smile as she gripped her side. Addy gasped, finding the idea amazing.

"Yes." She agreed.

"No way. I like my beard just fine, thank you." He said, continuing to tamper with the box truck's engine. "Hey, I know you're not feeling 100% right now but you think you can take a look? I know Roberta taught you a bit about cars." Scarlett nodded, replacing Doc at the engine. 

"Seriously, let us trim your beard." Addy pressed, the topic completely changed their moods.

"Would you stop already? You're giving me a complex." He said, putting his hands on his hips. "Y'know sometimes your guys' eyebrows look like furry caterpillars. Do I say anything? No."

Scarlett and Addy looked at Doc in disbelief. "Scarlett always trims 10k's, 10k always trim mine and I always trims Scarlett's." Addy said, thinking she won the argument against Doc as she walked over to the side mirror and stared at her reflection.

Doc looked at Scarlett, "That is too disturbing to even think about."

"Trim Train was her." Scarlett chuckled.

"There's a name?" Doc laughed. "Y'know if a man can't let himself go during a zombie apocalypse, then what's the point of having one?"

"To get rid of the weak, duh." Scarlett said.

"One day you stop doing your eyebrows, the next you're just hair and lice." Scarlett grimaced. she hated the idea of lice. "You're held together by a loincloth."

"Thanks for the visual." Both Doc and Scarlett said to Addy.

"Hi-ya. It's Kaya in the Sky-a." The small group heard. Scarlett stopped what she was doing and went inside the box truck. "Spinning hits from the 2000s, 1990s, 1890s, basically whatever I want. Here's another one for Operation Bite Mark, wherever you are."

Scarlett sat in front of the radio, wishing she could speak to Simon. Though she didn't know if he was still alive. she wanted to a final goodbye.

"We gotta find a transmitter and get in touch with CZ and his friend." Addy told Doc when noticing the look of the sick girls face. "Let him know what the plan is, and get him in touch with his kid."

"Yeah... and somebody needs to tell Miss Kaya to play some Jimi Hendrix, Bod Dylan and Hank WIlliams Jr." Doc joke. "I think the Murphy Mobile has done bit the dust. It is beyond the capabilities of a doctor and 20 year old knife thrower to save." Doc threw his rag down.

"I wish Warren was here." Addy said, looking off into the distance.

"I wish everybody was here." Doc went around the truck to help Scarlett. "Are you gonna be ok to walk?"

"I'll be fine." She groaned as she applied to much pressure on one side. "Just keep me alive until we're there."

"Do you guys hear that?" Addy asked from where she was originally standing. 

"Addy, I'm old. I've been shooting a lot of guns. I don't hear shit." Addy motioned for them to be quiet. The sound of police sirens echoed throughout the hills and two motorcycles escorting a limousine came rolling up to them.

Scarlett was leaning her weight against Doc as she began to feel dizzy. "Well who is this? The President of the Apocalypse?" Doc joked, wrapping a protective/comforting arm around Scarlett's shoulders.

The girl blinked a few times, hoping the blurriness in her sight would disappear. When it did, she was able to watch the limo's window roll down. "Hello, friends. Trouble on the highway of life?" A deep voice asked, his face hidden under a hat.

"Wait a minute, I know that voice." Doc said, his tone rising an octave to show a slight hint of happiness.

"And I know that beard." The man said, tilting his head upwards to show his face. "What's going on, Doc?"

"Sweet Zombie Jesus, it's Sketchy McClaine." Doc chuckled, shaking Scarlett lightly.

"Wassup, Doc!" Someone else said enthusiastically, poking his head out of the drivers seat.

"And Skeezy too?" Doc chuckled again. "Man, I thought you two were dead for sure. I can't belive it."

Scarlett swayed slightly, her knees becoming more and more weak as the seconds passed. The blurriness in her vision was back and her head started to spin. A drip of sweat cascaded down her forehead and she gulped down her spit. 

Her heart felt like it was going to pound out of her chest and her hands began shaking. No one around seemed to notice Scarlett begging for more air to enter her lungs.

At least not until Scarlett felt herself falling towards the ground and got Addy's attention by grabbing onto her arm to try and keep herself upright. Though, the force of gravity didn't allow that. Now everyone was looking at the girl lying unconscious on the ground, due to the loud thud her body made on impact.

"Is she alright?" Skeezy asked.

"She's sick." Addy said as her and Doc knelt beside the girl.

"infected?" Sketchy asked. Doc and Addy looked at each other before the hippie nodded lightly. 

"Yeah." He said softly. "Murphy decided to give her two different versions of the vaccine, now her body is shutting down."

"She gonna go Z?" Skeezy asked, not considering Addy and Doc's feelings about this.

"No, we won't let that happen." Addy said.


not edited

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