Zombie Baby Daddy: s2 ep6 pt1

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Scarlett's POV

Cassandra and I stood protectively in front of Murphy and Lucy, growling and pushing away any Z that got to close.

Tommy stood at the top of a car, shooting at any Z with his sling shot. Addy was fighting the beast's with her Z whacker. Doc wielded a regular wooden bat, taking out the Z's that came at him.

Warren and Javi stood back to back fighting as a team.

"Doc!" Murphy yelled. He tossed Lucy through the air and the blue baby landed inside the old mans arms.

He ran into a run down school bus and closed the doors behind him

"Let me out!" His voice yelled after a second. Warren Addy and I ran to the door and the two began breaking down the door while I kept the Z's away from them. "Guys, come on. Open the door!" He yelled one final time before the girl pulled the door open.

Doc stumbled out and the four of us backed away as multiple Abraham Lincoln dressed Z's filled out of the bus.

"Addy, hot potato." Doc called and tossed Lucy to the red head.

Addy then passed the baby to Warren, making the Z's start following her.

I reached out for the blue baby. Warren handed her to me, thank god because you should never throw babies around.

I felt one Z grab onto my shoulder and growled at the monster. Grabbing onto it's wrist, I flipped it over my shoulder and stomped onto it's head.

I cradled the baby in my arms and backed onto an abandoned car.

After the group killed the Lincoln Z's I saw as Murphy and Cassandra ran from around the school bus.

"Where is she?" The man freaked. Warren pointed to me sitting on the car. "Scarlett, thank god." He smiled and reached for Lucy.

I smiled at the feeling. I did something good. Ever since Serena gave birth to Lucy, I've been drifting away from Tommy and finding my way back to Murphy.

Me getting closer to Murphy is giving him more control over my mind. I'm not becoming Cassandra just yet but I might be getting there.


I was torn between sitting with the blue messiah and the rest of delta- xray- delta. Tommy went off to the river by himself so it was only Javi, Addy, Warren and Doc.

I noticed Javi grabbing his things and sneaking away from the other three. Furrowing my brows at him, I quietly stood and followed him.

Once we were a good ways away from the others, I ran to catch up with the man. He pulled his gun on me but quickly put it away after realizing it was actually me.

"What are you doing here, Mija?"

"Following you."

"Go back with the others Carla."


"Because I said so." He stated plainly. I eyed him suspiciously and grumbled as I walked away.

I came across Warren, she grabbed onto my wrist as she began to pass me. "Where's Vasquez?"

"Doesn't want me with him. Headed towards town." I pointed behind me and walked away and back to camp.

"Stop following me." Murphy yelled at the three. I made my way next to Cassandra.

"We're not following you."

"You're afraid of her. Afraid of what she might become- what we might become. Don't forget, I've seen how you treat babies."

"And we've seen how you treat humans." Tommy told the man.

"I'm not gonna let you hurt her. Baby and I are going for a walk." Cassandra and I snapped our heads towards Murphy. "Make sure they stay here." He told us then looked straight at me. "Nobody leaves."

Something in me changed. I couldn't tell what exactly but I knew Murphy broke his promise. Cassandra repeated his orders back to him then turned to the three with poker faces and a growl.

Addy, Doc and Tommy walked back to their circle while Cassandra and I sat next to each other keeping a sharp eye on them.

This felt wrong. All I wanted to do is go over to the three and eat the fish that Tommy caught but instead I was willing to murder all three of them because of Murphy's paranoia.

The three huddled close together. I inched closer to the group to listen in. "They aren't Cassandra and Scarlett. Not anymore." Tommy told them.

"They have been getting weirder, especially Scarlett." Doc agreed.

"They wouldn't hurt us. Not really." Addy defended.

"I wouldn't be so sure. The look Scarlett got in her eyes when Murphy told her what to do kind of scared me."

I gotta say. For something that's not supposed to have feelings.. I feel like crying. Their words stung. Tommy looked back at me with a slightly guilty but stern look.

"We all run in different directions. They'll each grab one, the other one can go look for Murphy." I growled at his idea.

If I was human, I would've agreed with the plan but things changed. Right now, I felt like a caged lion with Murphy as my ring leader.

Addy nodded her head at the plan and stood. The other two followed. I backed over to Cassandra. I didn't want to hurt them but 55% of me didn't care, I could tell 100% Cass didn't care either.

The two of us watched the three closely and waited for something that felt like it would never come. But eventually the three took off in different directions.

Cassandra ran after Addy but I ran after Doc. I jumped on the old mans back and pushed him to the floor.

Gripping onto his neck with a snarl he gasped and scratched at my wrists. "Scarlett, come on. This isn't you, kid!" He yelled through gasps.

I let go of his throat but kept him on the ground.

In the distance, Addy screamed in pain. The two of us looked in the direction of the sound and I jumped up. I ran into the open field and saw Cassandra on top of Addy.

"Cassandra, stop it!" Doc yelled from behind me. Cass got off of Addy's back and the red head stumbled into Doc and Tommy's arms.

I joined Cassandra's side and glared at the three. "I told you. It's not them anymore."



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