Resurrection Z: s1 ep6 pt1

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Scarlett's POV

"All you have to aim for is the head. I know, easier said than done but if you want to survive this world then you have to do it."

"Whatever. I'm gonna go pee." He grumbled as Warren walked back. He went over to Addy, getting a few squares of toilet paper before walking off.

I shook my head at him and went over to the group. "How's that going?" Garnett asked, referring to my knife.

"It's harder than I thought. You'd think a convicted felon would know how to handle a knife but.. guess not."

"Well I'm worried about him. Anybody else?" Doc said as he pursed his lips. Everyone was faced Murphy. I stood between Warren and Garnett while 10k sat on the tailgate above me.

"Anybody else, what?" Mack asked as he came back from his quick perimeter check.

"Worried about Mr. Sunshine out there."

"Yeah, he's looking worse."

"He was pretty creepy to start with."

"Come on, guys. Give him a break."

"Addy's right. I'm sure none of us would look our best after being bitten 8 times."

"It's like one long bad hair day."

"Speaking of hair, what's with all the bald patches?"

"He told me he couldn't control whether it fell out of not."

"Maybe that vaccine is like zombie chemo."

"Maybe the vaccine isn't working."

"Just have a little faith in him."

"Pretty soon there isn't going to be any 'him' left."

"You think he'll make it to California?"

"If we haul ass."

"If he goes zombie, we might have to put him down."

"Dibs on piking him."

"If he goes zombie he should get proper Mercy. Not just getting piked in the head." I shook my head at Warren's comment and Garnett placed a hand on my shoulder.

"If he goes, piking him is the least of our problems." Garnett said. Everyone noticed my quick discomfort at the inevitable conversation and turned away from the two of us. "I know you made friends with Murphy but you gotta be prepared for the worst."

"I know, Charlie. I just hate talking about murdering my friend like it's the most casual thing in the world. I'd rather die before even thinking about showing any of you mercy."

"Well you're gonna have to. Sooner or later, we're all gonna die. Don't know when but what I do know is that you have to live so you can Murphy to California if we're unable to."

"Can we just focus on that instead of zombies for the time being?"

"We can try." He laughed and I gave him a smile. "Come here." He pulled me in for a quick hug before telling everyone it was time to head out.

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