Doc Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest: s3 ep6 pt2

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3rd POV

Scarlett screamed loudly as Bob held her mouth open and Nurse Ratched shoved her "meds" down her throat.

"No!!" She cried, trying to push the hands away but Bob squeezed her jaw tightly. "Owww!!"

"Hey, c'mon. You're hurting her." Doc said.

"She needs her meds." Nurse Ratched said, continuing to pour the placebos down Scarlett's throat.

Finally, after one last agonizing scream, Scarlett dropped to the ground beside her boyfriend. Now, she was just as lifeless as when Doc first spotted her.

The group left the room to go serve the rest of the patients, Doc lingered a bit before following them.

Scarlett stared at the ceiling before she felt her eyes roll to the back of her head.


Scarlett gasped, sitting up straight. "I feel like I've been shot... in the ass." She heard someone say and turned just in time to see a certain boy fall back down onto his bed.

Both Elvis and Doc looked over to see Scarlett looking at them. "I feel like a ballerina..." she pushed out, falling back down as well.


Elvis lead Scarlett and 10k into the main room where Doc was handing out actual medicine to the patients.

"Wait, Doctor Hippie." Elvis said, announcing their presence. "We got two more."

"Hey, Doc." Both 10k and Scarlett said, smiling at the old man.

The man came forward, thanking Elvis before pulling the two kids to sit down with him. "Just be cool, guys. They don't know I know you."

"He's embarrassed of us." Scarlett whispered to 10k, the boy nodded in response.

"How are you guys feeling?" He asked the two of them.

"Like.. super mellow." 10k responded for both of them.

"Y'know, everybody thought you were dead." Doc said, turning to 10k. "Not me. I knew you both were alive, you little cockroaches." Doc laughed. Scarlett and 10k smirked, leaning on their hands. "How'd you survive? The last time I saw you, you were on that sinking submarine." He asked 10k.

"Murphy saved me."

"Murphy? Are you kidding? The Murphy? Mr. I am the chosen one so I get to act like a selfish pain in the ass Murphy?"

"He's not like that anymore. He's different." Scarlett said sternly.

"Did something happen?"

"No- Yes." 10k said.


"I dunno." 10k said, sitting back. "Everything so fuzzy. The harder I think about it, the further away it goes."

"Where's Darla and Charlie? Did you drop them off at Daycare like I asked?" Scarlett said suddenly, reaching out and playing with Doc's beard.

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