The Arena: pt2

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Scarlett's POV

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Scarlett's POV

"Ladies and Gentlemen, place your bets. Today we have a new contender fighting against Rusty. We don't know her name and we don't want to know her name because we all know what's gonna happen in the end." The announcer yelled throughout the arena.

The announcer shushed the crowd just before a gate began to open in front of me. I pushed myself off the ground and watched as a large man walked out of the cage. He was at least 4x the size of me.

"What the hell do you want us to do?!" I yelled at the crowd. I was genuinely confused.

The crowd then began to chant "fight" as loud as they could. I looked at Rusty with a scared expression.

He chuckled then swung his fist, connecting it with my cheekbone. I fell to the ground and let myself cough up the blood that began draining down my throat.

I glanced back at Rusty and noticed he was walking towards me. When he was close enough, I flipped on my back and kicked him between the legs.

I could tell I hurt him at least a small bit but not enough to break him.

C'mon Scar. You've gotten into plenty of fights before, granted none of the other guys were as big as Rusty but still. You got this.

The large man reached down and grabbed my left ankle with both of his hands. Maybe I don't got this.

He lifted me off the ground and slammed me into the fence. "What.. the.. fuck!" I exclaimed, catching my breath.

Before I could think about countering his attack, Rusty grabbed me by the neck and pinned me against the fence.

Just as my vision blurred, I felt something inside of me snapped. I felt myself become physically and emotionally stronger than before.

Raising both my feet and placing them on Rusty's chest. I pushed him back. The man went flying into the wall behind him and I dropped to my feet.

Instead of wasting time catching my breath, I stomped over to Rusty. Lifting my right elbow, I slammed it repeatedly into the man's face.

He went to choke me again but I grabbed his arm and used it to hold myself up as I wrapped my leg around his neck and flipped him onto his back.

I stretched his arm as he began screaming in pain. I didn't stop though. I continued pulling as hard as I could until I felt the limb detach from the man's body.

I pulled myself off my back and sat across the already unconscious man's chest. Out of spite, I landed multiple punches to his face.

After I felt satisfied with his death, I roared loudly at him and stood.

The sound that escaped my mouth wasn't human. It was like how Cassandra and I were back when. I knew it. I'm still dead.


I felt normal again, well as normal as I could feel, what I meant was I feel human again.

I sat in an empty room staring at the wall in front of me when a knock came from my door. Continuing to stare at the wall, the door opened and whoever was there let themselves in.

"You have a visitor, Sweetheart." The man who brought me here said to me then left.

"I gotta hand it to you, I'm impressed." I looked up at his voice. "What are you doing here, Mija?"

"Better question, why the hell did your friend kidnap me?"

"Don't you ever call Henry my friend again. That's offensive. I was here on business when I saw you in the Arena."

"What the hell is this place?"

"Exactly as I already said. La Arena."

I sighed and placed my head in my hands. "You gotta get me out of here. Please."

"I can't. Not right now, at least."


"I really wish I could, Mija. But I need this deal to go well for La Reina. She'll have my ass if I mess up."

"What am I supposed to do then? Stay in here until that Henry guy drags me to the arena again? Kill more and more people until they run out of fighters?"

"If you have to. Everyone knew how ruthless Rusty was so you're still in the clear." He sighed and placed a hand on my shoulder. "I have to go." He stood and began walking to the door when he turned back around to say one last thing. "Sorry about trying to hang you last time we spoke but-"

"The law is law." I stated for him. He gave me a single nod.

"I'll be back here as soon as La Reina grants me. Mantenerse a salvo, Mija."

"Back at you, Escorpion."


"You got a name, sweetheart?" Henry asked me. You could tell he was drunk by the smell of alcohol lingering in his breath. I stayed silent and continued staying ahead of me like every other time anyone tried to speak. "Sweetheart it is. Man, you always got a stick up your ass?"

"Only towards the people holding me captive." I muttered.

"Ah, she speaks. Tell me, sweetheart, you got a boyfriend? Girlfriend?" I stayed silent. "No? So no one would care if I.." he drug out his sentence and he began trailing his hand up my leg.

"I care." I muttered pushing his hand off my thighs.

"I brought you here to a new and better life, Doll. Don't you think I deserve this." Henry laughed and crouched to be face to face with me. I looked down at his hands.

One was pulling a knife from his belt just as the other grabbed me by my chin. "Let me go."

"Or what? You gonna rip my arm off?" He chuckled, pressing the knife against my cheek. "Everyone who fights in the arena has an identifiable scar on their face but you.. you are completely unscathed."

He pressed the knife deeper in my skin making me scream in pain.

"Let me tell you right now, Sweetheart. This is a punishment. I brought you to a better life, a life out of the apocalypse. Then I bring you up to the biggest penthouse I can find and you disrespected me."

"Fuck you." I spat in his face. He let my chin go to wipe his face then stood up straight, pulling the knife away from my face.

"That's exactly what I'm talking about." He bit his bottom lip then balled his hand up. I wasn't able to stop him when he swung and punched my face.

I groaned and rubbed my cheek.

Everything picked up from there.

- sexual assault warning!! Skip towards the next marking if you're sensitive to this topic-

(It's a quick scene but I just wanna make sure no one gets triggered)

He grabbed my ankles and pulled me towards the edge of the bed. His body climbed in between my legs and on top of my body trying to pin me down but I continued to fight him.

"Get.. off!" I struggled. The two of us continued to wrestle as he began to mess with his belt. "No.." I cried. Panic set in as he reached down for my pants.

I yelled out and pushed Henry off of me. I stared up at the ceiling and gasped for air.

-Scene over!!-

I pulled myself up and noticed the large penthouse window, noticing a window pane shattered. I slowly stood and walked to the window.

Looking out of it, I noticed the newly made Z who used to be known as Henry being piked in the head.

"Fuck you!" I yelled at the dead Z from the broken window.



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