Sisters of Mercy: s1 ep11 pt3

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Scarlett's POV

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Scarlett's POV

After Warren agreed to letting Hayden come with us to California, I grabbed her hand and brought her over to where I saw Hellen sitting with Addy.

Only now, Addy was gone and Hellen was sitting alone in silence. "Hellen, we need to speak with you."

She looked up from her hands and smiled at Hayden and I. The former hiding slightly behind me. "What about? Has Hayden convinced you to stay?"

"No. Actually, she asked to leave with me." I stated plainly and Hellen furrowed her brows at my statement.

"I'm sorry?"

"Ok, let me dumb it down for you since you seem to not understand what I'm saying. Hayden is leaving your cult and joining me and my friends."

"No.. Hayden you're not leaving."

"Actually, Ms. Hellen, Scarlett's right. I am."

"We need you here. You're one of my best workers."

"The thing is, Hellen, there is no work anymore. It's the end of the world. You can't keep her here, she's coming with me. Let's go." I put an arm around her shoulder and began to pull her away when Hellen reached out and pulled her away from me.

"I said you're staying." She growled. I grabbed my gun from my holster and pointed it at Hellen's head. This quickly caught the attention of everyone around us. Other woman drew their guns on me but I stayed strong with a blank face. "You won't kill me." She smirked.

I copied her smile while cocking the gun back. "Wanna bet? I've done things, Hellen. You don't want to make me more angry than I already am." I took a step forward, pressing the barrel against her forehead. "Let her go."

"Scarlett, it's ok." Hayden reached out for me but Hellen pulled her even further back. "Just go, Scarlett. I'll be ok here."

"No, you're leaving with me and that's final. Remember what we talked about. You can't be scared to stand up for yourself anymore."

"But I can protect you by staying. If you pull that trigger, you will drop dead in seconds. Then they'll lock up your friends. All of them. Even that 10k kid you told me about."

"Listen to her. Lower your weapon, sister."

"You're kidding. I should kill all of you for what you're doing here. One day, one of those boys are gonna come back and burn this place to the ground. Hayden isn't gonna be here for that day."

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