Full Metal Zombie: s1 ep4 pt1

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Scarlett's POV

"So your name... it's not the one on your birth certificate, right?" I turned to the sniper as he was keeping an eye out for Z's. He shook his head, not saying anything to respond. "What is it?"

"Doesn't matter. My names 10k now."

"Yeah but.. what about before? Wait.. you know what?" 10k turned from the view to look down on me and waited for me to continue. "What if I guess. It could be our thing."

"Our thing?"

"Yeah.. like how Warren and Garnett are the leaders, Addy and Mack are the lovesick couple, you and Doc are the best of friends, Cassandra and I are cannibal sisters... Murphy is, well, Murphy. But what about us? Why can't we have a thing?"

"Sure, it can be our thing. You get three guesses each day." He turned from me and looked out onto a field. "I suggest you use them wisely." He pulled out his slingshot, releasing two gears over my head.

I quickly turned to see two Z's fall down and sighed, turning back to face the Sniper. "I want to use a guess." He stood there, waiting for a name so I provided. "Nat?"

"Nat? What kind of name is Nat?"

"I don't know.. it suits you." I groaned. "I already don't like this game... what about George?"

"Thats 2 strikes."

"If I don't guess three times one day does that mean it's saved for the next.. for example I only guessed twice today so tomorrow I get 4 guesses."

"You get 3 guesses everyday."


"I'm going to interrupt this little conversation between you two because 1. You stole my Jacket.." Murphy pointed to me. "And 2. It's not important." He turned from 10k and I, back to the rest of the group. "Take it from somebody who knows first hand. Other than the fact that they find brains delicious, when it comes to zombies nobody knows nothin'."

"I know that they are disgusting, terrifying and deserve mercy. Y'know.. final rest and all that sappy stuff." I looked at 10k and noticed the red cloth around his neck. "Hey, Connor... can I borrow that?"

"Connor? Thats the best you can come up with?" He looked down on me again and I shrugged. "What do you need?" I pointed at his scarf and he looked at me for a second before rolling his eyes while taking it off and handing it to me. "When will I get it back?"

"Probably never." I balled up the cloth and laid it under my head as 10k sat beside me

A few minutes later I heard 10k's voice. He sounded sincere and a little angry. "I couldn't hurt my pa, no matter what he's become." I opened my eyes to see 10k twirling his knife with his fingers. He looked upset. "I stared into his eyes for the longest time, just looking for some sign he was still in there."

"Did you see anything?" I heard Cassandra's voice. I saw 10k shake his head and clench his jaw.

"What'd you do?" I heard Doc speak next.

"I killed it." It; cause that's what they are now. There is no human left inside of them, so they're just it's.

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