The Murphy: s2 ep1

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Scarlett's POV

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Scarlett's POV

I forced my eyes open once more. I couldn't figure out what was different until I noticed my arms and hair hanging in the opposite direction my body was.

I was still in the car, I knew that. But now I also knew that it was flipped over. I looked around and saw Doc crawling out.

"Pea.. you alive in there?" Warren asked. I wanted to speak but couldn't. Just to let her know I was here, I let out a groan. I turned my head just in time to see her kneeling down with her knife to cut me out.

I used whatever strength I had to hold myself up so I didn't land head first into the pile of glass. She grabbed my arm and helped me climb out if the vehicle and to where everyone stood. Everyone except Cassandra and Murphy.

"Where's Murphy?"

"Took off. Don't know where."

"Probably to some strip club." I rolled my eyes. I tried putting pressure on my foot, it didn't hurt as bad as it would but it still hurt.

"You ok?"


"Holy shit." Doc grabbed our attention.

"Is that snow?" Hayden asked as we all looked outside the tunnel.

"That's not snow. It's ash, radioactive fallout." Warren told us.

"We gotta get him bandaged. May I?" I asked 10k, pointing at his shirt.

"May you... what?" He looked at me weird and I responded by pulling out my knife and cutting a piece of his shirt off. "Oh.. why?"

"So we can hopefully stop Doc from bleeding out." I muttered as I began to tie the ripped cloth onto Doc's wounded shoulder.

"Easy!" He groaned. I apologized but tied the cloth tighter.

"You should be good just until we find some medication and can get it properly clean. Other than that, Roberta, we gotta go find Murphy."

"I know, Pea. You guys all good to walk?"


We were now covered in clothes. I didn't exactly know why except for the fact that I was dying of heat.

"Y'know I don't really remember getting a chance to ask why you call me Pea." I held Warren's shoulder. She's been helping me walk with my twisted ankle.

"It's because when you first joined our group you looked so small for your age."

"Looked? I didn't really think I've gained to much weight since then."

"I don't think anyone has in this world."

"Um, Thank you Roberta. For everything." I said sincerely with a wince from putting to much pressure on my ankle.

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