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Scarlett's POV

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Scarlett's POV

I'm not a zombie. I'm not a zombie. I'm not a zombie.

If I repeat the four words in my head enough then maybe it'll become true.

Back in blaster country, in the process of killing the mutated beast I was scratched by the thing.

Murphy and I knew the only real way I could live halfway normally was if he.. bit me. Now I'm a half brained zombie.

Cassandra slowly but surely told me about the side effects of becoming this.

Aggression, cravings, over protective over Murphy. The constant need to be around him. I can't feel pain, none at all.

At least Murphy kept his promise. He let's me be my old self as much as he can. The only things different; I don't talk much anymore, my eyes are growing a grey film over the deep ocean blue, I growl at threats now and I crave human flesh.

To relieve my cravings, I try to find any living animals to feast on. Cassandra takes part in the hunt as well, personally I think Murphy take joy in watching us eat raw meat.

Now, we were in Minneapolis. Cassandra and I stood protectively on both sides of Murphy.

"Come on girls." Murphy placed a hand on the small of Cassandra and I's backs and lead us to a greenhouse.

"Hold it right there." A man held his hand out to Murphy. Cassandra and I growled at him, the blue man put a settling hand on my shoulder and calmed me back to humanity.

"I need to talk to your boss."

"No you don't. You need to go wait in the garage with the other harvesters."

"Oh, he's gonna wanna hear what I have to say." Murphy tried to step forward but the man held a gun to him. Cassandra and I growled again and stepped in front of the gun.

"What's wrong with them?" The man gestured to Cassandra and I.

"Not a damn thing."

"If you're here for Z weed, we're closed for retail sales. Come back tomorrow."

"I don't want Z weed, although my girls might. I have a proposition you're gonna want to hear."

"You got two minutes."

The man lowered his gun away from us, Murphy walked past and looked around.

Cassandra and I found ourselves looking at a green hand sticking out from a table. Murphy came over, tracing his finger with it.

I stood from the table and stood next to Murphy. "I'm going outside." I whispered to him. He nodded at me, allowing me to do as I wanted.

Once outside I walked around the compound. After about half an hour, I came across another green house, plants grew just until the entrance.

Coming up close to the plants, I reached my hand up to touch them. Immediately I felt something course through me. Something was weird with these plants.

"Scarlett, darling. Come sit with Cassandra, keep her company." Murphy called from behind me, making me turn. I immediately did as he said and sat on the ground next to the girl.

She looked at me for a second before scooting closer until we were side to side.


"They're here.." Cassandra whispered into my ear. I looked towards her line of vision and noticed 10k peeking out of the garage.

I gave her a look, she knew exactly what I wanted her to do; Tell Murphy. I watched 10k walk away from the garage entrance.

Murphy, Cassandra, the doctor and a few guards came out. I followed beside Murphy into the garage.

"Doc and 10k, you guys creat a diversion-"

"Or you could just walk up and say hello like civilized people." Murphy cut Warren off.

"Mija." Javi came over and pulled me into a hug. I held a blank face and let my arms hang loosely. When he pulled pack he cupped my cheeks and began searching my face. "What's wrong with your eyes?"

I let out a soft growl and pushed him away. "There's nothing wrong with her. Why don't people get that?" Murphy said. I slowly backed away from the group and next to Murphy again.

"Hey, let her speak for herself. She's not a half brained idiot." Javi argued. I backed away a little more at the comment.

If only he knew.

"Y'know Murphy, I'm getting tired of chasing your boney ass all over the damn apocalypse." Doc crossed his arms. "And this time, you took Scarlett with ya!"

"She chose to come on her own."

"Is that true, Scarlett? Did you willingly leave with the smurf?" Javi asked me.

The human part of me wanted to tell him the truth. At first no but then I quickly realized that coming with Murphy was the best thing for me. If I didn't , I would've been mercied by now.

So I stuck with the answer Murphy wanted me to say. I nodded my head. I glanced over at 10k, he had a look on his face. The same look he had when he saw Cassandra for the first time after Colorado.

Did he know? He knew. I know he did. Javi began to go for Murphy. I fought the urge to jump in front of him and instead I slipped out of the garage and around the back.

I was left by myself for only a second before footsteps came from the side of the garage. 10k rounded the corner.

Without saying anything, he grabbed onto my arm and started searching for any wounds. I growled and grabbed onto his hands. "What did he do to you?"

"Saved me."

"Why? What happened?"

"Infected by the blaster. I was gonna turn Z." I said simply. 10k's face grew angry, he began to storm back around when I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "I'm still me, Tommy."

"But you're not." He said in a whisper. I furrowed my brows at him then reached up to cup his face in my hands like Javi did with me.

"I'm still me." I said softer. The look in his eyes grew soft as he realized I was still mostly human. I wiped his cheek with my thumb then brought his face down to mine.

The kiss was hungry and passionate. You could tell we both wanted it. I felt my heartbeat begin to slow rather than speed up like it would in movies.

I tried to pull myself away from him but became to hungry. He began groaning then pushed me away. "Jesus Scarlett!" He held his bleeding lip and I stepped back from him.

"I'm sorry.. sorry.. I didn't mean to."

"It's alright. Just be careful."

"No.. no.. I can't do it." I shook my head and backed away.

"C'mon, let's go back to the group." He reached for my hand but I slapped it away.

"Need.. alone.." I growled out one last time before running in the opposite direction.



Imma keep it real.. it was totally an impulsive decision to give Scarlett this story line

Don't hate me

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