34)Ya Tool!

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One day, I was sitting around in the club, doing some math, calculating expenses and profit when Johnny burst inside, opening the door so hard, it hit the wall and blew back on him, hitting him as well. He looked desperate. He was sweating, breathing fast, eyes wide open in terror. He was in panic. He ran his eyes across the room and when he finally found me, he walked towards me fast. I leaned back in my chair. I knew something bad was coming. 

-You gotta come with me now!-He said and pulled me by my arm, trying to lift me.-It's Lola, man! She ODed. 

-What?-I felt my heart sink.-No, she wouldn't... 

-Oh, she did! C'mon! She has just arrived at the hospital. 

-The baby! How's the baby?!-I jumped up. I held by breath waiting for his answer.

-I don't fucking know! 

I grabbed my cut, put it on, got on my bike and rode like never before. Half way down to the hospital, I lost Johnny. He disappeared behind me. I had never rode that fast but I couldn't breathe. My heart was so tight inside my chest I wondered if I wasn't having a heart attack. 

As I got to the hospital, I got out of the bike and left it carelessly on the entry. I ran inside. 

-My name's Mike.-I told the lady.-I'm looking for Lola... She's pregnant with my baby and I believe she just ODed. 

-Good afternoon, sir.-She said, reprehending me for not greeting her. I ignored her. I couldn't care less about manners in that moment.-I'll check the system. What's her name again? 



-Yeah, that's all I know. Please, hurry! 

-She's about to be the mother of your child and you barely even know her name? Wow!-She rolled her eyes. I ignored her again.-You outlaws are all the same...-She whispered loud enough for me to hear it and I had had enough of her attitude. 

-Do your fucking job and shut the fuck up, how about that, huh? The fuck is wrong with you?!-I lost my shit.- I'm trying to find out if my kid's alive and you're here wasting my time with your judgement! Shove your opinion up your fucking...

-Alright!-Johnny slapped my shoulder from behind, interrupting me.-That's enough! Excuse my friend...-He said to the lady.-He's a little anxious. Maybe you could help us out, beautiful.-He smiled at the lady.-We're looking for Dolores Hernandez, a lady in her 20's. Pregnant nearly full term. I believe she OD'ed and was brought here.-I looked at him, confused. I wondered how he actually knew her name, but I didn't even bother. I was way too worried about my kid to even care. 

-Yes, I found her. She's upstairs room 303. 

-Thanks, gorgeous. Beautiful eyes by the way.-Johnny winked at her and she melted right in front of our eyes. I took off running immediately. 

-LOLA!-I screamed as I walked inside her room. She was unconscious, connected to a million machines, on her arms, on her belly, it was insane. I had no idea what was going on. Johnny walked in right behind me. 

-She looks very pregnant still.-He said, surprised at the size of her belly. It had really gotten much bigger since the last time I had seen her, a couple months ago. 

-Call the doctor!-I ordered Johnny. He nodded and left running. I got closer to Lola.-I swear... You stupid bitch...-My eyes filled with tears.-I can't believe you did this to our own baby... What the fuck were you thinking, you idiot!? 

-Hello. You must be Mike.-The doctor walked inside the room and shook my hand. Johnny followed. 

-Yes, I am. I'm the father. How's the baby? Is it alright?-I asked, immediately 

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