7)Devil you know

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First thing I saw when I woke up were bright lights. It took a while until my eyes got used to the brightness and I realized it wasn't lights at all, it was the sun peaking through the ceiling. As I looked around I realized I was laying in some old barn, there was blood all around, on my clothes, on the floor. I sat on that old, uncomfortable bed. My leg was hurting like hell. It didn't look so good, the stitches were all over, they weren't done by a doctor, that I could tell. 

-You're awake...-I heard Quintin. He was leaning against the wall, on the other side of the barn, having a smoke. 

-You're creepy. Business as usual then...-I sighted. 

-Funny.-He got closer, upset.-You almost got yourself killed, spilled blood on my doorstep and bought me a war. Very funny. Matter fact, so funny it makes me want to put a bullet between your eyes!

-Jeez, man! Ain't you a little dramatic...-I rolled my eyes and got up. I felt a lot of pain in my leg, but brushed it off.-I'm out of here... 

-You owe me!-He screamed and pushed me back, making me sit back in the bed. 

-I owe you?!-I was pissed too.-You ruined my life! The moment you showed up, it's been nothing but trouble! 

-Oh, now it's my fault?!-He laughed.- Trouble follows you everywhere you go, boy! It's in your blood! 

-Fuck you and the blood talk! Just fuck you, man!-I got up again and walked away, limping. 

-I don't know why you came here in the first place. If you didn't want to join the club why'd you come?

-Honestly?-I faced him.-Cerebral diarrhea. -I turned my back on him and walked outside. Rick was standing outside. 

-Mike!-He hugged me.-Man, I am so glad you're okay... Shit, you really got me! 

-I'm alright, man... -I smiled a bit. Rick was a good guy. At least, I thought so.

-How about we grab a few beers later on? I kind of overheard you and Quintin... And I know you've got a couple rocks on your shoes... I think I can be useful. 

-Now why would you help me? It surely ain't out of the goodness in your heart...

-Why not? That's what brothers do, right? 

-I'm not your brother... 

-You are. A brother in denial... But you will eventually see it. -He smiled

-Yeah, I don't think so. Thanks anyway.-I turned my back on him. 

-I've got the tapes... -He lighted up a smoke. I stopped walking.-Well, not me exactly... Quintin... He's got the tapes. After your little conversation, I imagine he's gonna go plan B with them... However, I could you know... Make them gone. 

-What do you want? 

-A beer. Tonight, 10pm, where we first met. 

-You asking me on a date? 

-More like business meeting. 

-Well, you got it, boss. Hope you won't be wasting my time. -I left. 

I went to a rent up room in some cheap motel and washed up. I had no idea what I was doing with my life. Quintin, even though I hate to admit it, was right. The more I dug, more sand I had over my head. I was way out of my depth. I was trying so hard not to fall in temptation, but the more I fought, the harder it was. Maybe Quintin was right, maybe it was in my blood... Maybe it was my destiny to follow my parents' footsteps. Maybe it was time to stop fighting it. Maybe... But as I looked myself in the mirror, I realized I wasn't ready to stop fighting just yet. I knew it wasn't the right thing to do, joining that club... It just didn't feel right. 

The Dirty Angels MC IIWhere stories live. Discover now