11)Eye for an Eye

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I wasn't able to really get back on my feet until two months later. My arm wasn't healing as fast as it was supposed to and Quintin forbid me from going back until I could actually drive myself back at the club. It was a rule, if you can't ride, you're not part of the club, but Quintin was surely using it to punish me and keep me away. Finally two months later, I drove Johnny's bike all the way back to the club and walked right in. 

-Honey, I'm home!-I said. The boys cherish me. They were truly happy to see me, all but Quintin and Richard. I had a few drinks with the guys, ignoring both of them.

The boys fixed my bike while I was away and surprised me. I was so happy to see it back together. I have no idea how bad it was after the accident, but from what the boys said, it was pretty trashed. It seemed brand new. I had a few more drinks and then, when the alcohol started kicking in, I had a brilliant idea. And by brilliant, I mean, somewhat suicidal, completely maniacal idea. I whispered it in Johnny's ear. He was shitfaced too so he happily agreed. We made our way to the weaponry, stole some Uzis, sneaked out of the bar and got on our bikes. 

Once again, we rode freely, pulling some stunts and finally we crossed the border, into N9ners territory. Johnny knew exactly where they gathered so he lead us there, and as we rode by, we pulled our Uzis and shot everything in sight, people, cars, houses, everything. We didn't care. We were drunk and pissed off! If it was a fight they wanted, I would bring them a war.

-EYE FOR AN EYE, BABY!-I screamed. Johnny laughed. We rode off, immediately, but not back home.

That night, we didn't go back to the club. We were too fired up! We decided to bring down the terror and antagonize everyone in the N9ners part of town. They had messed with us, it was our time to play. We didn't really hurt anyone, we just wanted to scare them. So we messed with a couple of strippers, robbed, destroyed and shot down a couple of shops, beat the crap out of some pimps, just the basics.

Was it the right thing to do? Probably not, but I was riding with a bottle of vodka half way and Johnny had a bottle of whiskey. Man, we were shitfaced! I'm still surprised up to this day on how we were actually able to ride! 

Around 5am we decided it was time to go home. We were exhausted, but somehow satisfied... Like finally we had some payback, you know? 

I could see the invisible line dividing our territory, we were so close, when a car cut the road in front of us. Both me and Johnny hit the car and were thrown off of our motorcycles, flying in the air, and then rolling on the floor for a couple of meters. Oh man, that was painful! However, the moment we saw N9ners opening the doors, we got on our feet and ran for our lives! 

They started shooting at us! I could literally see the bullets fly by me! I had never ran so fast my entire life. Eventually we made it, we crossed the border and hid behind a car. For a second, I thought they would follow us, but they didn't. They got back in their car. I took a deep breath. Johnny started laughing like a fucking psycho. I swear that boy always had a death wish! We both ended up laughing like idiots, completely wasted.

They drove away, running over our bikes. That was when Johnny's smile vanished. Once they were gone, we went back and retrieved our bikes. We had to carry them by hand back to the clubhouse. Not a word was spoken in the way. 

We parked the bikes outside, and made our way in. Johnny served us a drink, but before we could actually drink it, we fell asleep. 

In the next morning, we were awoken by a bucket of freezing water. I jumped and screamed.


As I looked around me, Johnny had his gun in hand, and Quintin had been the one throwing us the water. I pushed his gun down. 

-What the fuck happened to you two?-Quintin asked, looking at us from top to bottom. We were just standing there, in our ripped, blood tainted clothes, remembering the shit we had pulled the previous night.-Your bikes are trashed again! 

-Don't drink and drive... -I said quickly. The fact that he was focused on our bikes was good!-Lesson learnt, boss. Don't worry, we'll fix it. 

-What did you hit? A wall? -He mocked us. Poor guy had no idea. 

-Kinda... Then it all went black.-Johnny chuckled. I hit him with my elbow discreetly. He was clearly making a reference to the N9ners. Quintin was confused but didn't make a big deal about it.

-Well, I don't want those bikes standing there. It makes the club look trashy.-Quintin complained and walked towards his office.-Also, get cleaned up will ya? 

-Sure thing, boss!-I obliged immediately and pulled Johnny outside. He burst out laughing the moment the door closed behind us. 

-"Sure thing, boss!"-He mimicked me, in a funny voice.-You should've seen the look on ya face, boy!-He could barely even speak from laughing so hard.  

-Fuck you, man!-I laughed too-What was that about it all going black anyway? Are you out of your mind? 

-He's gonna find out anyway, sooner or later... 

-Well, let's make it later then! At least we'll have time to come up with an excuse! 

-An excuse for what?-Chris, one of the boys, asked. He was pretty tight with Johnny. We were pretty good friends. -What the fuck happened to your bikes? Mike! We had just fixed yours... 

-Oh, man, you have no idea!-Johnny laughed and looked around before opening his big mouth to tell him everything we had done.-So, Mikey here came up with this amazing idea and of course I couldn't lose the opportunity.-I signaled him to shut up, but he totally ignored me.-So we left last night, drove right in N9ners territory and fucked shit up, man! There were bullets flying, hookers crying, it was beautiful! You should've seen the look on their faces! They did not see that one coming! Fucking hell, not even I did! But Mikey here... Brilliant! 

-Oh my god...-Chris looked at me, shocked.-Does Quintin know? 

-Not yet...-I took a deep breath.-I expect you to keep it that way. 

-Fuck me, man! I won't say shit!-Chris laughed nervously- Hell! I don't even wanna be close by when he figures it out! The old man's gonna lose it! 

-Had to be done, brother!-Johnny commented.-We can't just keep taking shit from them! Enough's enough! 

-I hear you! But you still walked all over Quintin to start a war in the streets...-Chris sighted.-Not good. 

-Yeah... Anyway, we should get going, Johnny Boy.-I said.- Get these bikes out of here, before the old man comes around asking questions again. -I grabbed my bike. Johnny did the same. We took them, by hand, to the club's mechanic. 

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