25)Fire in the hole!

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The next day, both Johnny and I made our way to the clubhouse. There was a suspicious car parked on the other side of the street. I stopped by the door and lighted up a smoke.

-N9ners!-Johnny whispered to me. They rolled down their windows and there was this guy looking me dead in the eyes.

-Go on inside. I'll be right there. -I told Johnny. He looked at me and didn't move an inch.-I really can't be clearer, Johnny. Now!

He sighted and did as I told him. I took a deep breath and walked towards the car, trying to look calm. They didn't move. I approached the driver, looking at him, but didn't say a word. 

-Who's in charge?-He asked me. 

-Who's asking? 

-I am.-The guy making eye contact with me before said.

-And you are Mathew? 

-That's right.

-Nice to finally meet you, Mathew. I'm Mike. Care to join me for breakfast? We got a lot of catching up to do. 

-Get in the car.-He said. I looked at him for a second and then figured what the hell. He probably wasn't gonna kill me anyway so I did as he said. They speeded away. After that, my phone rang non stop. Johnny was trying to reach me. I had to turn off my phone. 

Mathew and his boys drove us to this little coffee shop, outside of both clubs' territory. I followed them inside. Once we found a table Mathew liked, he sent his boys outside and it was just me and him.

-I should put a bullet in your head right now.-He said, trying to look tough.

-That's a little premature for a first date, wouldn't you say?-I joked. He looked at me serious, slightly pissed.-May I ask why? 

-Why?! You murdered my brother!-The rage was clear in his eyes. 

-Did I? I don't seem to recall it.-He was getting more annoyed by the second.-Honestly though. I guess it won't matter if I tell you I didn't do it. You won't believe me. But hey, I didn't do it, man.-I told him. He scoffed. 


-Can we move on to business now? 

-I'd die before I do business with your white ass!-He laughed.-Fucking white scum! 

-Hey, hey! Don't get your heart rate up. African Americans tend to suffer from high blood pressure.  Wouldn't want you to just drop dead now, would we? 

-Fuck you! 

-Ooh! Naughty one, ain't ya?-I laughed.-Alright. Here's how it's going to be. -I got serious.-I know Richard has been spilling some poison on you. I know you ran to the Mexicans to cover your ass and then you kidnapped Quintin. I know the Mexicans have him. I know all of you think to avoid a war, I'll kneel. But you know what else I know?-Before I could finish the waitress interrupted us.

-What can I get you guys?-She asked, at first smiling but as she looked at us, she realized she was definitely in the middle of something. -Or I can come back later... 

-No need, darling.-I smiled at her.-I'll get a coffee and... Maybe some pancakes. Put it on Mathew's tab. 

-Alright. What about you, sir?

-I'm fine! Beat it!-Mathew answered her, annoyed. The poor girl didn't even know where to turn. She left right away. I shook my head.-So what else do you know? 

-I know, for sure, that you're all wrong.-I continued.-I know, for sure, none of you is ready for what I got in store. I know Quintin gave you guys a sense of confidence that you can do as you please an no one is gonna intervene. Well, breaking news, motherfucker! That shit's over! Now you fall in line or you die. And honestly, whatever you choose, I don't give a flying fuck! I don't care about peace treaties, business deals, alliances, none of it matters to me. I will bring down hell upon you, paint your streets red! And still I'll sleep just fine! That's what I know. 

The Dirty Angels MC IINơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ