14)Roadhouse Blues

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In the next day, I made my way down to the clubhouse. Everyone was surprised, there were secretive chats and weird looks but none of it shook me. I wasn't intimidated by Quintin's threats. If I was to leave, I'd leave on my own terms and I sure as hell wouldn't leave without raising a little hell. I walked inside Quintin's office. Not to my surprise, Richard was already there. He looked at me as if he was seeing a ghost. 

-What are you doing here?-Quintin asked me, somewhat surprised to see me.

-You got a lot of nerve, kid!-Richard said.

-Oh, you have no idea...-A grin took over my face, announcing my intentions. Richard, like the smart little rat he was once again turned the game on me. 

-I wasn't gonna mention it but... I really have no other choice... I cut a deal with Mike.-He sighted. For a moment there, I really thought he was gonna come clean but by the time I realized it was too late.-I told Mike I'd give him the grocery tapes if he killed you.-Quintin looked at him shocked.-It was a test. He failed. Yet, I knew you were too committed to believe me. I was just waiting for him to make a move... That's why I followed him that night and saw him kill Mathew's brother. I didn't say anything because I know you have a lot invested in this piece of crap. I know you wish you could make it right, the whole Jacksons' story... But he's not Kat. He's nothing like her! He's a sellout! 

-I can't believe this...-I laughed. Then I looked Quintin in the eyes and realized he was actually buying all that bullshit.-I can't believe this! 

-Give up, kid. You've been busted. No point in lying anymore.-Richard told me. I lost it. I punched him over and over and didn't stop until the boys pulled us apart. 


-ENOUGH!-Quintin screamed and got in my face.-You are a disappointment! You're nothing like your mother, matter fact, your presence is an insult to her memory! You will leave, never to return 'cause I swear to God if I see your miserable face ever again I will blow your fucking head out!-He was foaming at the mouth, filled with poison. Richard had an annoying smirk in his face. I pushed the boys away. 

-Don't worry. I won't beg you to stay. I don't need this shit! If you wanna keep your pet snake, fine by me. When you get bitten, I have a few friends in animal control. But by all means, knock yourself out.-I fixed my leather jacket.-Boys. 

On my way out Quintin's office, I stopped in front of Richard and spit in his face. He tried to get at me, but the boys held him and pushed me out of the club. I got on my bike and rode away. 

I had nowhere to go, no place to call home, no one to run to and for some reason, that felt... Peaceful. I realized actually being alone in the world was way easier than to feel alone surrounded by people. It was just me, the wind and the blues playing in the back of my mind.

I wasn't sure what I was going to do, but I knew I wasn't done. The police, the club, I wasn't done. For a moment there I felt so mad the thought of ratting them all out in exchange for my badge did cross my mind. But that wasn't me, it wasn't who I am. The thought went as fast as it came. I was pissed! After everything, Quintin and Johnny still doubted me as if I was a stranger. Maybe in a way I was... Maybe in a way I was to blame for trusting and expecting, for believing and allowing myself to become invested. I should've known people just aren't worth it. 

I was lost in my thoughts, riding, when I heard a motorcycle engine behind me. As I looked on my mirrors, I realized it was Johnny. I pulled over. He did too. We looked at each other for a while without saying anything. Johnny was judging me with his eyes. Eventually, I leaned against my motorcycle and sighted. I was done explaining and I wasn't gonna beg for someone to listen. 

-Did you do it?-He finally asked me. I lighted up a smoke. 

-What? Did I do what? -I asked back, softly, completely defeated. I was sure he would never believe me. 

-Did you kill Mathew's brother? 

-Does it matter?-I shook my head. He stared at me, in silence.-I mean, were you that drunk? You were with me the whole night. We drunk together, we rode together, we blew shit up together, we even took a leak together! You know I didn't do it! Yet, here you are making me stupid questions as if you don't know exactly what happened, by the fucking minute! What the fuck do you want me to say? 

-It's a yes or no question. 

-No. I didn't kill Mathew's brother. I have no fricking idea what Mathew's brother looks like. Hell! I don't even know who the fuck is Mathew! 

Johnny stared at me for a few more seconds, then leaned against his bike and lighted up a smoke as well. 

-I had you made... I really thought you were a backstabber... -He scoffed.-And then Richard laid out his explanation and nothing made sense anymore... 'Cause you see, I was with you all night and we didn't go anywhere near Mathew or his family. So why would Richard say that? And if he was lying about that, what else was he lying about? So then, just like that, it all made sense. If he really wanted Quintin dead, and if he really cut a deal with you, when he realized you weren't keeping your side of the deal, and he had nothing on you 'cause those tapes don't really matter anymore, he pinned a murder on you and he started the war he always wanted... 'Cause Quintin will never go guns blazing just like that, and with you out of the picture, it won't take long until the boys grow impatient and soon he'll sit in the President Chair. Two rabbits, one bullet.-He looked at me. I nodded and smiled a bit. 

-Didn't think you had in you...-I mocked him. 

-But that leaves one question. You did cut a deal with him, didn't you? Somewhere down the road, you thought about killing Quintin for those tapes, didn't you?-He asked me serious. I sighted. 

-I'd be lying if I said I didn't. It was on my first week here or so... I didn't know anyone, didn't really have any strings here, no connections... You were just criminals to me. 

-And now we're not? 

-Oh, you are. But so am I. I grew found of you guys. I see you as my family now. I didn't before.-Johnny stared at me as if he wasn't believing a word coming out of my mouth.-It's pointless. Whatever I say now won't change the fact that I did take that deal and I intended to kill Quintin. I had many chances, but I couldn't go through with it. I didn't have it in me. I ain't no rat and I ain't no backstabbing bitch. It ain't in my DNA. 

-Well...-Johnny sighted and looked at the stars.-If what you say is true then... Fuck!-He looked at me.-We're screwed! Nobody's gonna believe us.

-I'm screwed. You should go back. Someone's gotta look out for Quintin. He doesn't realize the danger he's in... 

-No. I will stand by you, brother.-He tapped my shoulder.-If you're out, then so am I. Tomorrow I will return to the club, try to reason with Quintin and if I fail... Well, we can always set up a Roadhouse, play some blues on Mondays, strippers' night on fridays...-He smiled. I laughed. 

-Why the hell not?-I mocked him.-Might as well start our own club! The Clean Demons!-I joked. Johnny laughed. 

-Fuck outta here! Let's hit the clubs downtown. I know just the perfect spot to conduct our staff interviews!-He hit me with his elbow playfully. 

-You talking about strippers, ain't you? 

-Hell yeah, boy!-He laughed and jumped on his bike. I watched him as he speeded away. I smiled. 

Maybe I was wrong. Maybe some people are worth it. 

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