27)Loose Ends

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When I left the building, Mathew was waiting for me outside, with 3 guys. I closed the door behind me, looked him up and down and lighted another smoke. I was expecting him to shoot me dead, or something along those lines. I was wrong.

-I held my side of the bargain.-Mathew said.-You're up. 

-I didn't realize we had one. 

-Quintin. I dropped him off a while ago, unharmed. Just like you requested. -You could tell he wasn't exactly happy with himself.-You said you'd give me my brother's killer. 

-I did? 

-Man, stop playing with me! 

-The MC thanks you. -I walked past him. He held my arm.

-Hold your end of the bargain or...-Mathew threatened me

-What?-Our faces were millimeters away. I didn't back down.-Here's how it's gonna go. You'll take your dirty paws off of me and I'll ride to see Quintin. Then, if your end of the bargain was indeed held, I will forget this ever happened. And that's it! I don't negotiate with wannabe thugs.-I pushed him away and walked to my bike. No one stopped me. I rode away. 

If Mathew was indeed honest and Quintin was alright, I would deliver him Richard. However I was not about to be threatened or pushed around. I meant to keep my word, but it would be on my terms. 

I rushed inside the club, leaving my bike parked carelessly outside. Everyone was already there. For some reason I always seemed to be the last one hearing the news. I cut through the crowd and finally I laid eyes on him. He looked alright. He had black bags under his eyes, his lips were cracked and bruised. He had a cut on his eyebrow too but he was alive and standing and that was good enough for me. I smiled at him. 

-You look like shit!-I told him. 

-I've been held captive for a while. What's your excuse?-Quintin answered. I smiled. He smiled back and then I hugged him. 

 -You have no idea how much I've missed you, old man!-I whispered to him. 

-Is that so? -He laughed. 

-C'mon! Let's get you a drink! 

We all headed for the bar. For a while, we sat there, Quintin telling us what he had been through with a hint of humor and us all just staring at him like little kids. Everybody missed him dearly! But mostly we were all relieved to see he was alive and kicking. Eventually, I dragged Johnny outside discreetly. 

-Let's go. We got work to do.-I told him as I walked towards Johnny's car. 

-Sure... But shouldn't we ask Quintin first? He's back... And that means... 

-Yes, yes! I'm not the boss anymore. But what we're doing is just tying some loose ends. Drive. Take me to Richard. 

Johnny looked at me for a second, uncertain but eventually followed me and took me to Richard. I walked right in. He looked not so good and pissed as hell. 

-How long were you planning to leave me here without water and food?-He complained. 

-You're still alive so clearly not long enough!-I answered. 

-Mike...-He chuckled in a crazy way.-One day, I will carve my teeth in your neck and rip your head out! 

-Easy there, Dracula!-I laughed.-That would be a sight for sore eyes, to watch you try... Unfortunately there's no time for that. Better luck in your next life! Put your hands out in front of your body. 

-Fuck you! 

-We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Either way, it's happening so... 

-Try me!-He smiled. He looked like a madman! I sighted and lighted up a smoke. 

-Get him, Johnny Boy.-I said. 

-Pleasure is mine!-Johnny smiled, with a madman look in his face as well. He couldn't stand Richard. 

For nearly 10 minutes I watched Johnny and Richard dance. Johnny chased Richard around, then when he finally got him, Richard threw some dirt in his eyes and broke a chair in his back. Then Johnny got up and chased him again. It was amusing for a while, I gotta admit. It really took me back to my childhood years, binge watching Tom & Jerry. It put a smile on my face but then the clock knocked it off. Once my cigarette was over, I grabbed my gun and shot the ceiling twice. Both of them stopped and looked at me. I pointed my gun at Richard's head. Finally Johnny grabbed him and was able to tie a rope around his hands and feet. We dragged him outside and threw him in the trunk. 

-Fucking hell!-Johnny complained and lighted up a smoke. He was sweating. I laughed silently.-Oh! I amuse you, is that it? 

-C'mon, man! Quite the struggle in there.-I mocked him. He rolled his eyes.

-Anyway! Where are we taking him? 

-We?-I smiled. Johnny looked at me, confused. I raised my eyebrows and that's when he really got mad. 

-Oh no! No! Hell no! You're not leaving me here! The club is miles away! 

-Sorry, Johnny Boy.-I showed him the car keys I had managed to steal from his pockets and ran inside the car. I locked the doors. He banged on the window, pissed off. I speeded away. In the mirror, I could see him throwing punches in the air. I shook my head. 

I drove right up to N9ners territory. I didn't have to look for Mathew. I knew soon he'd find me so I just parked my car, got out, lighted up a smoke and leaned against it. My smoke wasn't even half way when a car pulled up. Mathew and 3 boys got out. He looked at me. 

-News travel fast here.-I smiled. 

-The delay... I was showering.-He mocked me back, in a passive aggressive way.-What brings you here, honky?

-My end of the bargain. 

-What are you talking about?-He seemed confused. I popped open my trunk.

-Quintin's unharmed.-I pulled Richard out and pushed him to Mathew. Richard fell on his knees in front of Mathew. -Pleasure doing business with you. 

-What's this?-Mathew went from confused to offended.-You think I'm stupid?! 

-Yeah, and clearly I was right.-I rolled my eyes.-That's your brother's killer. And I know what you're thinking. This is the guy that filled your silly head with ideas, but trust me. It was him. I never touched your brother. He tried to set me up. 

-Now why would I believe you?! 

-That's a good question.-I said. Mathew expected me to follow through but I didn't say anything else. We stared at each other for a hot minute. 

-And?-He finally broke the silence. 

-No, it really is a good question. Oh! The answer? I have no idea. -I smiled.- You delivered Quintin. I figured we were past that. 

-Yo, stop fucking with me!-He got closer to me.-I ain't got time for your games, white trash! 

-That's racist.-I mocked him.-You wanted your brother's killer. There he is. The motive? Not personal. He was aiming for the Presidency of the club. Your brother was just collateral damage. Now, I gotta run but just between you and I, I bet if you torture him for a while, he'll spill the tea like a broken pot! Boys.-I nodded once and got in my car. Before I drove off, I saw Mathew kick Richard in the guts. That was the last time I ever saw Richard. 

I drove back to the club and managed to make my way back inside without being noticed. 

At night, I made my way to Johnny's house. I wasn't drunk, but I had some drinks on me so the moment I hit the bed, I went out like a light. The next morning, I woke up startled. I had completely forgotten about Johnny. I got dressed as fast as I could and drove to him. He was sitting outside, arms crossed. The moment I saw his face I knew I was in for a lecture. He would never shut up about it ever again. 

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