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When they brought Johnny back, he was roughed. There was blood all over his face. He smiled at me as the cops removed his handcuffs and pushed him inside the cell aggressively. I looked at him, confused. 

-What the fuck did you do?-I asked after the cops left. He shrugged his shoulders. 

-People in your town are all douchebags!-He laughed as he wiped the blood. 

-God damn, Johnny...-I took a deep breath.-We're never leaving here... I've got so much to do, so much to get done and instead I'm stuck here with you, behind bars, because you just can't keep your fucking mouth shut! 

-Hey! Don't blame me! The Officer in there said he was in a bad mood because of you! Then I said you had told me not to tell him shit and he lost it! It wasn't my fault! I barely even said a word... You know... Besides telling him a 'your momma so fat' joke...

I looked at him. My insides were burning. I swear I just wanted to murder him. Instead, I took a nice deep breath, rolled my eyes and turned my back on him. 

I was really starting to get this 'being the bigger person' thing. The amount of self control in me was always little to none but after meeting Johnny, I guess I was forced to learn, since he had none whatsoever. 

The cops left us to rot in that cell for 2 days and a half. On that last half of a day, I lost my cool. They couldn't do that! They were forced to let us go in 48h if they weren't gonna press charges. 

-HEY!-I screamed.-EXCUSE ME!-No one at the station even paid attention.-HEEEEY!-I kept screaming until someone finally came. My old boss. 

-Mike!-He said, somewhat surprised.-What are you doing here? 

-I have no idea, to be honest! 

-What the hell happened to you? After your suspension you vanished from the face of the Earth... Or should I say after you robbed that convenience store at gunpoint?-His tone got harsher as if he was disappointed in me. 

-I didn't rob anything! I don't know what you're talking about!

-Oh is that right?! I saw those tapes myself!

-Yeah, I wonder if you guys made a movie night down here and played those damn tapes! 'Cause everyone here seems to have seen them. And apparently you're the only ones to have done so. Those tapes don't exist for all I know. 

-And how would you know that? 

-You would be surprised with the things I know, boss...-I smiled.- Now, are you gonna charge us? We've been sitting here for 3 days! It's against the law, if I remember it right. If you don't release us now, you'll end up being the one behind bars. 

-You were concerned with everything except the law when you worked here. Look how the tables have turned... It sucks when you're on the other side, doesn't it, Mike? 

-It does. Thank God I won't have to carry the burden of abusing my power over innocent people. 

-You're everything but innocent, Mike. Who are you trying to fool?! I know you! 

-Not well enough, clearly... 'Cause if you did, you'd know I'd never hurt innocent people, like the ones at the convenience store you claim I robbed.-I looked him in the eyes.- If you knew me, you'd know everything I ever did was to protect my home, my country and the good people of our community. I might have been a little extreme at times, I won't lie... But I haven't done anything to anyone that didn't have it coming and you know it! 

-That's why you joined an outlaw mc isn't that right? You're such a righty two shoes that at the first opportunity you had, you turned to the dark side. 

The Dirty Angels MC IIWhere stories live. Discover now