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In that night, both me and Johnny got shit faced in this strippers' club downtown. Later, I came to find we actually owned half of the business but in that night, I thought Johnny was the man! All our drinks were free, the girls all winked at us and I was in paradise! I was the new fresh face, girls were all over me. But oh man... Lola... 

The moment I sat down by the bar with Johnny, my eyes met Lola and I just couldn't look away. Something about her... She had long frizzy blond hair, big brown eyes with dark circles under, dark smudged makeup. She was skinny, maybe a little too skinny but she danced like no one was in the room. Matter of fact she didn't seem to notice a soul. Her body was working the pole but she was somewhere else, far, far away. She moved like she didn't have a care in the world.

-Mike!-Johnny shook me.-Are you still there?-He mocked me.-I've been calling you for ages! 

-Hmm, sorry. I... I'll be right back.-I grabbed my drink and his, making him throw his arms in the air as a form of protest, and made my way to Lola. She was just leaving the stage.-Hey.-I approached her. She looked me from bottom to top and she didn't seem impressed or fazed at all. 

-I don't do private.-She told me, carelessly. 

-I brought you a drink. 

-Thanks. I don't drink. Next time just drop me a 20.-She said and turned her back on me. I was kind of shook, gotta admit my confidence was rocked but I wasn't gonna give up that quickly. I put my drink down at once and tried again.

-Name's Mike. What's yours? 

-Lola.-She sighted. 

-Lola... It's nice. I'm over there with my friend Johnny...-I had to play that card! Girls seemed to love him.-Wanna join? 

-Not really. Johnny's an ass. 

-Well, now that's something we agree on.-I said before even thinking it through. She looked at me for a second and smiled a bit. 

-You're a sweet guy, hmm... Mike! See you around.-She left. I watched her go as I played it over in my head wondering where I had gone wrong. Eventually I joined Johnny back at the bar. He looked at me, judging me with his eyes. 

-What?!-I asked him.

-Seriously?! Lola? Of all the girls here, freaking Lola?!-He was somewhat pissed. 

-You guys have history? 

-Oh, yeah! She's a bitch, end of story. 

-She shares the same opinion about you. One could almost imagine... 

-Shut up!-He interrupted me.-I'll be damned before ever going anywhere near Lola! Seriously! The bitch's crazy! You have no idea... Just stay away from her. She's no good, Mike. 

I nodded and had another drink. Then, I smiled. I was totally gonna ignore Johnny's advice. He looked at me and shook his head. He knew I was totally gonna ignore his advice too. 

We just kept on drinking and having fun. Johnny made it his personal mission to introduce me to all the other girls. They were gorgeous, but none of them captivated me like Lola did... She looked like a puzzle and I could never stay away from a good mystery. Eventually, as the night grew darker, I lost Johnny. We were both pretty fucked up by then. One moment he was there, the next he was gone. And then it was just me sitting by the bar, thinking about Lola. It didn't take long for my dreams to come true. 

-You're still here...-I heard her voice from behind. It was Lola.

-So are you.-I smiled. She sat besides me. 

We chatted about different things, random subjects for a while. Eventually I managed to gain a little of her trust. She was smiling, having a good time. I kept the drinks coming the whole time. She didn't have any. 

After a while, somehow the conversation led astray and next thing I know, I'm backstage, Lola's mixing a white powder and a brown powder together. I had no idea what drug it was or why I was even there, but Lola was into it and I was shitfaced. I guess I thought it was a good idea. Lola snorted it first and then so did I. 

At first, I didn't feel a thing, but then, it hit me like a wave! I felt this rush and all of a sudden, my heart was all over and I felt like I was moving faster than reality. Everything was blurred like I could only see the object I was focusing on, as if I was riding really fast. I felt hot, I was sweating all over. It was quite the experience at first! Especially because it seemed to really turn Lola on. She was all over me, kissing me, teasing me and we ended up having sex right there. 

When we were done, my heart was literally about to jump out of my chest. I started feeling nauseous. I could barely see or think. Lola was there one second and the next she was gone. I felt like shit, left there all alone, sitting on the floor, butt naked , and I knew something wasn't right. I had to fight for every breath I took, until eventually I stopped breathing. I saw the room spinning, getting darker and darker until I eventually lost consciousness. 

That night, I ODed. Turns out Lola gave me something called a Speedball, a combination of cocaine and heroin. I had been drinking as well. Drugs and Alcohol, not good. I was in respiratory arrest for 2 minutes. I was lucky Johnny found me. He saved my life. He gave me CPR until the ambulance got there. Had he not been there, or taken just a little longer to find me, I wouldn't be around to tell the story. 

I woke up a week later in the hospital. I felt like crap! Everything hurt. And sadly, I woke up exactly when the doctor was in the room, so he gave me a lecture as if I was just some dumb teenager. I knew damn well what I had done. I wasn't uneducated, just extremely stupid!  When he was finally done with his speech, he allowed Johnny to come into the room, and he didn't waste any time.

-What the fuck were you thinking, hey?-He asked me, pissed off.-You could've died! 

-Not you too... Seriously, you guys are kind of making me wish I had!-I complained. 

-I told you that Lola was no good! I haven't caught her yet, she's gone into hiding, but she'll come out...

-Leave her alone, Johnny.-I sighted.-This is on me. She didn't force anything on me, I did it by my own stupid free will. 

-Still! She knew you had been drinking, she should've never offered at all! 

-Drop it! She's not my mom, she doesn't have to babysit me around! I knew I had been drinking. I should've been smart enough to decline it. But I was stupid! 

-Yeah, you sure as hell were! You idiot! 

-I get it, I get it! Lesson learnt. Drugs aren't my thing. 

-Good! You stick to the alcohol. Safe, and twice as fun!-He joked. I smiled.-Luckily I was there to save your sorry ass! Oh! You owe me big time, boy! I own you now! 

-You wish, moron! 

-Oh, you're mine!-He continued to mock me. 

Johnny stood by my side. He left to eat, sleep and to attend club business. Every other moment, he was right there with me through thick and thin. I was so grateful to him. Knowing I had a friend there to lean on really made it all somewhat easier. 

When I was discharged, he took me to his apartment, said I could stay for as long as I needed. When I asked him about Quintin, he told me not to worry about it. He'd hold off the club for me, at least until I could get back on my feet.

All that really made our friendship stronger. Johnny and I became best friends. 

Everything seemed fairly calm after that incident with Lola, but bad news never stay away from me for long. 

The Dirty Angels MC IIWhere stories live. Discover now