24)Fortune Favors the Brave

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In the next morning, I woke up as Johnny got home. It was 8am. I looked at him  as he walked through the door. He didn't look so good. He was pale. His lower lip was bleeding. His clothes were all roughed, leather jacket ripped on the shoulder. He looked at me and gave me a angry sight.

-I swear...-He closed the door behind him and collapsed on the couch besides me, exhausted.

-What the hell happened? Are you hurt? 

-Only my pride!-He confessed. I laughed, relieved.-That Richard dude, piece of fucking garbage, man! 

-He gave you a hard time, I can see. 

-He did! Fucker just won't go down easy!-He lighted up a smoke.-So, I followed him to Mexican lands. 

-I knew it!-I added. 

-Yeah, then I ran him over.-The way he said it, I just couldn't help but laugh. He said it like it was the most normal thing in the world. He looked at me, confused.-What?

-Nothing, nothing. Please go on. 

-Yeah, I ran him over. Fucker was out flat. However, his bike somehow ended up under the car! And it blew up! Underneath the fucking car! With me inside! Now you can imagine, me, all blown the fuck up, leaving the car, which was in flames, as fast as fucking possible, with people on the windows already, casually dragging a body down the fucking street!-I laughed again.-All I could think of was leaving before the Inferno's Boys got outside. So I picked up Richard, put him over my shoulders and when I tell you the fucker is heavier than he looks, I'm talking about sumo fighter in tight jeans! So I carried him outta there as fast as I could. I walked all the way to the fucking med barn with him on my back! That's about 20km! I was drained! So I get there, throw him off and light up a fucking smoke! Felt fucking amazing, until the fucker wakes up! Then I had to fight him and knock him out again!-I could barely even hold it together, I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. 

-Movie stuff, ei?-I mocked him.

-Fuck you, man! I don't get paid enough for this...-He leaned back on the couch. 

-You look like shit-I laughed. He looked at me, pissed, which only made me laugh harder.-Alright alright. You got him, and you figured who's behind this. That's all that matters. Good job! You got, hmm-I looked at the clock- 3 hours to rest. Then we gotta roll.

-You gotta be fucking kidding me!-He sighted.

-I'd give you the day off, but today's the meeting with O'Conner. It's all hands on deck, man. 

He looked at me, rolled his eyes, got up and went to his bedroom, slamming the door. I smiled, shook my head and leaned back. I ended up falling asleep again. 

I woke up again around midday. 

-JOHNNY!-I screamed and then got up. I put on the club's vest.-TIME TO GO! 

-SHUT UP!-He screamed from the bedroom. 

-GET YOUR SKINNY ASS OUT OF BED!-I screamed back. 

-Jeez...-He said as he got out of the bedroom.-I hate you. 

-Feeling is mutual.-I mocked him.-Let's rock and roll!-We both left the house. As we got on our bikes, I looked at him for a while.-Wow. You look like absolute shit! 

-What the fuck, dude? You must think you got Justin Timberlake's face or something.-He grumbled. I laughed and rode out. 

We rode to the restaurant where O'Conner and I had marked the meeting. We got there first. We parked our bikes and lighted up a smoke. 

-I hope, for his sake, that he makes it.-I complained. 

-Or what?-Johnny laughed.-Let me guess, we're gonna fight them too! 

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