28)Family Day

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Eventually, the fun and games ended. I had Johnny pick up the shipment from the IRA in that morning, along with some guys he handpicked. The guns had finally arrived. Thankfully we didn't need them immediately so the delay didn't cause much damage. On the other hand, Quintin was completely unaware of the situation. Now that would cause some damage. I knew he wasn't going to fancy my ideas. I knew Quintin was totally against war. He had been avoiding it for years! So I knew the moment I told him about the direction I had pointed the club, he'd be pissed! 

Still, in that morning, as Johnny picked up the shipment, I rode down to the club. I meant to talk to Quintin about it, so before going into his office, I fixed myself a shot of vodka. And thank God I did! The first face I saw the moment I opened the office's door was Lola's. Quintin was sitting behind his desk. She was leaning against the wall. 

-Mike!-Quintin got up.-You're exactly the one we were waiting for.

-Is that so?- I got in and closed the door behind me. I felt trapped. I hadn't had time to process the whole being a father thing. There was too much going on at the time. 

-Lola here tells me you're going to be a father.

-Or so she says...-I didn't mean to say it but my mouth was faster than my mind. 

-It's the truth!-She insisted. 

-Mike! If a lady says she's carrying your child you step the fuck up!-Quintin wasn't pleased with my behavior. 

-Quintin, I actually wanted to talk to you but not about my sex life!-I looked over to Lola, pissed. She shrugged her shoulders. 

-Nothing's more important than family, kid.-Quintin said. 

-You got a lot of nerve.-I told Lola.-Seriously! What are you trying to accomplish here, huh? You think Quintin will just snap his fingers and all of a sudden we're gonna be a family? Is that what you want? Move in with me, raise a kid, become a stay at home mom? What kind of twisted world do you live in? You're not wifey material Lola! You're a low life whore, a dumbass junkie!-I was so pissed I could barely even control my mouth. I had a lot on  my plate and Lola was just making everything worse. I meant to fulfill my responsibilities as a father but she was way out of line stepping all over me and going to Quintin.

-Mike!-Quintin intervened. 

-Stay out of it!-I almost growled at him and then turned back to her.-You're carrying my child. Fine. Want me to step up?-I walked up to her, pushed her against the wall and rolled up her sleeves aggressively. She had fresh marks from injecting drugs.-This shit stops now! Or next time I'll put a bullet through your brains.-I let go of her and took a few steps back.-No more smoking, no more drinking, no more drugs, no more whoring!  

-You're not my father!-She screamed. 

-You wanted me to step up, didn't ya?-I screamed back.- Drove all the way down here just to make me step up! Well, here the fuck I am! Those are the rules. Break them and I will tie you to a bed until you deliver my kid and then I'll put a bullet through your brains! Congratulations! We're a fucking family!

-Fuck you, Mike! 

-Here.-I handed her 200$.-Stop by next week for more. -She rolled her eyes and made her way to the door but before she could reach it, I grabbed her by the arm violently.-The dealers won't sell to you. I'll make sure of that. If you somehow manage to fuck up my kid, I swear I will make you so miserable you will beg me to kill you!-I pushed her away. She left. I took a deep breath. Quintin was staring at me.-What?! 

-What the fuck was that?!-He was mad. 

-Look, my family, my problem, okay? Stay out of it. 

-This is the last time you treat Lola that way!-He insisted.-SHE IS CARRYING YOUR CHILD! MAN THE FUCK UP! 


And just like that, out of nowhere, Quintin landed a right hook on my chin. It nearly knocked me out. He was definitely back in the game. I felt my blood rush but before I tore him to pieces, I forced myself to leave. I just left, got on my bike and drove away. 

Lola and my child were a sensitive matter. I wasn't ready. I just wasn't ready to deal with it. Everyone seemed to think I was being a jerk, and maybe I was! Maybe I was a total dick, but I didn't do it out of the badness of my heart. I was just scared. I didn't know how to deal with it, how to process it. The thought of having a little fragile being in my hands, totally relying on me for survival scared the living crap out of me! I wanted to be a father, in the future, eventually. I mean I didn't want to die without leaving a legacy behind, you know? But it was too soon, too fast and too unexpected. I wasn't ready. I wanted kids, but not in that moment! 

And the more I thought about it, the more I realized it was the worst moment! My child would be born in the middle of a war, with a junkie mom and a irresponsible, criminal dad. I just... I knew I'd love that kid with all my heart and that scared me to death. 

I didn't have much time to dwell over Lola. Soon Johnny Boy called me. He had the guns. I was supposed to have already talked to Quintin about it but the conversation led astray. I told Johnny to hide them away in one of our warehouses. He wasn't happy about it. We were going behind Quintin's back and that was a no go for him. He was pissed off, but did as I said. 

My mind was going a thousand miles an hour. I had so much on my plate I could barely even see what was in front of me. Literally. Somehow, as I was driving back to the club to meet Johnny, I blacked out. I was so lost inside my own head that I completely lost focus. Gladly I noticed the truck coming my way just in time. The honking snapped me out of my delusion. I was riding in the opposite lane, going straight for the truck. I immediately returned to my lane, but it was a close call. A second later and I'd be dead. 

I made it back to the club in one piece. 

-Mike!-Johnny called me from the distance and made his way to me. When he got close to me, he looked at me intrigued.-What's the matter with you? You look like you've seen a ghost.

Little did he know... My heartrate was still all over. 

-I'm not even gonna talk about it...-I sighted.-Worst morning ever.-I lighted up a smoke. 

-Yeah, or so I heard...-He laughed and lighted up a smoke as well.-Heard Lola dropped by. That can't be good. 

-Yeah, now Quintin has somehow turned into my fucking father in law and won't stop sticking his nose into my business! Seriously, man!-Johnny couldn't stop laughing.-Looks like God is trying to push all my damn buttons! 

-Speaking of business... 

-No, I haven't talked to him about it. I will, eventually... 

-Well, you better tell him before...

-MIKE!-Quintin screamed from inside, interrupting Johnny. He slammed the club house's door open and looked at me.-I'm going to kill you! 

-Someone else does...-Johnny added. 

I looked at Johnny and shook my head. 

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