Chapter 31

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Elijah's pov

It's been three months.

Three whole months since I've seen her.

After everything that took place a day after the accident, I haven't seen or heard anything about Angela's whereabouts.

The sedative Angela's brothers gave me had knocked me out for almost two days. I didn't even get the chance to see her one last time while being in the hospital.

When I finally woke up, Dante informed me that Antonio took Angela back to Spain. They didn't go back to their mansion though. I tried getting into contact with them and find their location but I had no luck. They left without a trace and it only made me more desperate to find her.

The chances of me finding her in Spain are very low. If she was in Italy I would've easily found her already. But her father is making it his mission so that I don't have the slightest clue as to where she is.

"If you don't want a war to break out between the Spanish and Italian mafia, then I suggest you stop looking for someone you won't ever get back."

That was the first and last message I got from Antonio Santiago after I had spend a month in Spain.

After about a month of endless searching, I still hadn't found a single clue as to where they might have gone to. I didn't get a peaceful nights rest or a proper meal in those few weeks either.

That was before I got a message from an unknown number a few days ago.

Don't waste your time looking for me.

That's it.

Nothing else. And the worst part is, the number can't be traced beacuse they used a burner phone.

And what the hell does she mean by 'waste my time'?

I'm not wasting my time. I don't care if it takes me an eternity to look for her but I won't stop looking. Not until I have her in my arms again.

My heart still hurts at the thought of her.

Does she hate me? Is that why she told me to stop looking for her?

The thought of her hating me has my heart aching and my mind racing.

I don't want her to hate me.

"I just got a message from Enzo. He says that he found a lead on Nokolai Nabokov's whereabouts." Dante's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

I tilt my head towards him as he's seated across from me. Dante has been a hardworking right hand man and a great friend during these past three months. I know that there's a lot of things he wants to ask and probably say but he knows that it's pointless asking me anything at the moment.

We're currently in New York for some business. Someone has been hacking into my main systems and accounts at one of the many shell companies I own here. The one I'm currently at is a vehicle company masked for laundering money.

I've noticed that a few of my small companies have been hacked into and a couple of thousands of dollars were stolen.

I'm ashamed to say that I've been neglecting in taking care of my businesses these past few months. Dante and Gio has been handling most of the work that needed to be taken care of, but some things have been happening within my companies that no one noticed.

There's a rat. Someone has been giving out personal information of the company accounts. We also can't seem to trace where the money is being transferred to.

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