Chapter 27

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Angela's pov

Waking up with my head pounding was not how I wanted to start my morning.

The headaches are getting a bit worse and I haven't told Elijah anything about it yet. Elijah is constantly busy with work. And I don't want to add more of my problems to it.

Laying back down on the empty bed, I look over at the side in which Elijah slept last night.

My heart clenches when I think about what Elijah told me last night. How he opened up to me. And how he trusted me enough to tell me something so heartbreaking.

I wish I could have met him earlier.

The need to have been there for him in his most darkest of times is overwhelming. The need to have wanted to hold him when he felt alone.

The need to have been the girl who was there for him all those years ago.

I'm still not sure what I mean to Elijah yet. Sometimes he makes me feel like I mean the world to him. He calls me his and makes me promise things that I easily comply to. He makes my heart skip a beat and sometimes causes my stomach to flutter. He makes me shy and blush, things that I've never done or felt before...until I met him.

But then he also talks about this other person. The person who has been there for him in the past. The girl who has helped him stay out of the pit of darkness he had fallen into. The girl I suddenly felt jealous of.

He talks about her as if she's the most beautiful girl out there. He makes her sound wonderful and kind that I find it hard for me to hate her. She was there for him and I'm grateful for that.

But then there's this nagging question that tugs at my heart.

Where is she now?

I shake my head, ridding me of all of these thoughts. I shouldn't be dwelling on things of the past. It's better to focus on what's happening now and what's still to come.

I slightly jump as the door opens and Elijah walks in. He has his phone to his ear as he speaks angry Italian words into the phone, pacing the length of the room. I don't think he notices me on the bed and I silently take the chance to admire the view in front of me.

Elijah truly is a beautiful man. He's wearing a suit. Like always. But his suit jacket is missing. His muscles are bulging through his white dress shirt. His other hand is tugged into his dress pants with his expensive watch on his wrist, completing the look.

The sight of him speaking rapid Italian and walking up and down, has me almost melting into a small puddle.

I didn't even notice him ending the call and walking over towards the bed, until I heard him speak.

"Like what you see?" His deep voice asks.

I turn towards him and smile innocently up at him. "Yes."

I guess he didn't expect me to answer that question because he instantly clears his throat and sits next to me on the bed.

Before he could say anything else, his phone rings again. He grunts and answers the call.

"What?" He asks before silently listening to whoever was on the phone.

A few minutes later, he ended the call and turned towards me. "It was our doctor. He asked if you were feeling any better and if your headaches were getting any worse."

I slightly tensed before answering, "I'm doing better." I say with a tight smile.

I know I'm lying right now, but I'm doing it for him. He already has enough on his plate. And I don't want to add my problems to it.

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