Chapter 15

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Angela's pov

A week has past in a blur. Elijah took me to a different place every day, which I enjoyed very much. Most places he took me to, was places I've never been to. Like the movie theater, museum, waterpark and so many other places.

I appreciate him taking the time out of his busy schedule to show me around and just spending time with me.

During this past week, I've learned a few things about him aswell. Things like how he would glare at everyone that simply glanced our way. He always thinks that everything and everyone around me would potentially hurt me. He hates it when I roll my eyes at him, which just made me want to do it even more.

I would also notice that he would clench his jaw and narrow his eyes, whenever he's annoyed or angry. He would also make this cute frown on his face, where his brows pull together and slightly turn his lips into a pout, whenever I somehow pursued him into getting me things. He keeps on telling me that it wouldn't work on him all the time, but so far I've only proven him wrong.

He got me two unnecessarily huge stuffed animals, which absolutely love. I have two smaller ones too. One is a stuffed brown bear and the other one is a grey cat. It's absolutely adorable.

I want a real cat though. Maybe I should try my luck and ask Elijah to buy me one.

Even though I had a lot of fun this week, there has also been other things happening.

I've been having dreams or visions? I'm not sure what they are, but I keep seeing the same boy I saw in my garden from the dream I had that other time. The only problem is that I don't know who he is. His face is kind of blur and he only appears for a few seconds before he's gone again. My brothers would also appear in my dreams and other kids, I don't recognize,which makes everything even more confusing.

The dreams are becoming more frequent and annoying. I would wake up in the middle of the night and would struggle falling asleep after that. It's exhausting.

Well I'm not going to dwell on them that much. It's not important.


It's Friday night and I'm getting dressed for the ball Elijah invited me to.

I might have been excited about this event but I'm quite anxious since it is my first time attending a ball.

Elijah told me that he doesn't usually attend these events but he has to make an appearance once and awhile.

Elijah got me a beautiful floor-length dress, that fits my curves perfectly. The only thing I did for makeup, was apply some mascara and lipstick. I'm not a fan of wearing makeup, that's why I didn't let the makeup artist do anything with my face. My long black hair was laying lose down my back, in big curls. For the finishing touches, I put on my mother's necklace, that my father and brothers gave me on my birthday.

I smiled to myself, while looking in the floor-length mirror. I liked how everything turned out. It's not too much or too less either. It's perfect.

A knock on the door, interrupted my thoughts.

"Come in." I said.

Elijah entered the room but froze when he laid his eyes on me. He scanned his eyes all over my body, practically drinking in my appearance. 

"You look absolutely beautiful."He says when his eyes finally met mine. I could say the same about him. He was wearing a black fitted suit,with his hair neatly styled. His sharp jaw was more prominent and his grey eyes, that always seems to capture my attention, was shinning under the dim light of the room.

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