Chapter 18

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Elijah's pov

"Nikolai has been awfully quiet, don't you think?" Dante says as he leans back in the chair, while taking a huge gulp of his drink.

"I agree." I said while nodding my head and looking through some papers about the new shipments I had received. "I would've thought he would go on a rampage, trying to kill me or something."

Dante chuckled and got up from his chair, going to the mini bar in my office. He pours himself another drink before taking a seat. "Maybe he gave up beacuse he knew he couldn't go up against you." he says before gulping his drink in one go.

Before he could get up to get another, I spoke. "That's enough."

Dante looks at me confused before seeing me give a pointed look towards the glass in his hand. He grunts before putting the glass down and putting his head in his hands.

"What's up with you?" I grumbled out.

"Nothing. Just dealing with some things." he mumbles.

"That girl?" I ask with a raised brow.

Dante shakes his head while groaning. "She's being difficult." He says.

"Not my problem." I reply. "I told you to let her go. I could've asked some of my men to get your watch back, but you refused, wanting to handle this on your own."

It's been five days and he still has her captive at his little cabin in the woods. And I really don't see the point any of this.

"I know and I will handle this myself."

"And what are you going to do?" I asked him.

He looked hesitant in telling me. He was fidgeting and avoided eye contact. I asked the same question again before he sighed and leaned back in his chair,while looking up to the ceiling.

"I'm going to make her fall in love with me, then simply...." he trails off, and closes his eyes, "break her heart."he mumbles.

I looked at him in disbelief. He's out of his mind. Why would he want to go through all that?

"You're unbelievable." I say before getting up from my seat. Dante looks over at me and I can see the bags forming under his eyes.

"I know." he mumbles.

I make my way towards the door before opening it.


He looks back at me. "Don't touch my alcohol. Leave." I say before shutting the door and hearing him chuckle from inside the office.


Walking towards the small garden, that Angela seems to love, I see her sitting on the swing with a small flower in her hands. Her long dark hair was sprawled down her back in small waves. She also had on a pretty white dress that reached her thighs.

She's beautiful.

I keep on telling myself that I should distance myself from her but it's hard whenever she opens that pretty little mouth of hers.

When she told me about the dream she had a few nights ago, I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Those won't dreams, they were memories.

I wish I could tell her that I was that boy in her dreams. I wish I could tell her that we had a past together. I wish I could tell her about all the things we did. I wish she could remember.

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