Chapter 1

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Angela's pov

My heart is racing in my chest as I'm running down our long driveway. I made sure to avoid the light coming from the mansion,but as I'm nearing the huge gate I see the guards standing at their posts as usual. That was one minor detail I forgot about.

I decide to go to the left side where the wall is slightly lower because it's the furthest from the mansion. I was panting and sweating from all the running and adrenaline pumping through my veins.

Reaching the tall wall I climb the tree that was near it. When I reach the long branch of the tree going over the wall, I jump down. Which wasn't the best idea because I went falling face first into to ground.

Groaning and slowing getting up, I hear sounds coming from the other side of the wall. I start running as fast as my legs could go.

"Miss Santiago!" a loud voice called from the distance.
I knew that was one of the guards who might have seen me when i jumped from the wall.

Turning the conner I see the dark matt black car parked alongside the beginning of the woods. I fastened my pace and get into the car.

I asked one of the guards,Ethan,who I'm really close with to leave it here for me. I'm extremely greatful for him because it might get him in trouble with my father, but I'll figure out something when i get back.

Starting the car, hearing the engine roar to life, I start speeding down the road. I know that one of the guards must of informed my father already and is searching for me,but I don't care. All I'm feeling right now is the adrenaline pumping through every limb in my body, making me drive faster.

I've been kept in a golden cage my entire life and I just want to be set free....

So you must be wondering what's going on and what lead up to me speeding away from my home. Well it all started when I woke up this morning.


Today's my birthday. I'm twenty years old today.I should be happy and should be celebrating with my family but that isn't the case.

Today is also my mother's tenth year death anniversary. I know that my father and brothers always try to make the day about me but it's hard knowing that it's the same day our mother also died.

I don't really remember her since i lost my memory on my tenth birthday. My father always avoided the topic of that specific night and wouldn't give me the entire story.

Since i woke up in the hospital a few months after the event, my family has been very overprotective over me. They always claim that they want to keep me safe and that they don't want to lose me like we lost my mother.

I've never left the mansion since I got home from the hospital that night. I'm only allowed to go out to the garden or the pool and there's always a guard with me,but I've grown used to it.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" three very loud voices shouted, bringing me out of my thoughts. There stood my three older brothers, Mason, Angelo and Theo.

Mason is the oldest, he is also the the heir of the Spanish mafia. My father handed over the mafia when Mason turned eighteen. Many people thinks that he's scary and cold and wouldn't want to mess with him beacuse of the constant glare on his face. But the truth is that he's actually a sweetheart or at least he is to me.

Angelo, the second oldest. Angelo is also the right hand man of Mason and takes everything seriously. He is a little more closed off and doesn't smile that much. I know that my mother's death made him that way. He isn't cold towards me though, and is the most protective over me.

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