Chapter 9

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Elijah's pov

The sound of glass shattering and objects being thrown, is the only thing that could be heard coming from my office.

We're all at the warehouse. For the past three days, I've been getting dead ends in trying to find her and I'm going insane.

Two days ago when we broke into the house they were staying at, it was empty. We were armed and ready for war, but everyone was gone by the time we got there. They probably got informed of Ivan being caught and figured that we were going to attack at any moment,which made things a bit harder.

I know Nikolai took her to Russia, but I can't just go there, guns blazing, without a plan. Nikolai isn't dumb, I would be entering his territory and he would be prepared.

I exhaled a deep breath and slumped back into my chair running my hands over my face. I'm frustrated because I've been running low on my weapons and my next shipments are coming next week. I can't wait that long.

There was a knock on the door and I gave a quick 'come in', before the door opened.

Gio entered my office, which is a mess, and stood in front of my desk. I gave him a nod and he cleared his throat nervously. "Boss, there's a problem back at the mansion."

My eyes shot up to look at him better. "What kind of problem, Gio?" I asked impatiently. I didn't have time for anymore problems.

"Dante is already there, he told me to inform you that he'll take care of it."he said.

"You're not answering my question," I snapped at him while standing up from my chair, "what kind of problem, Giovanni?" I repeated.

He straightened his back and cleared his throat again. "My apologies boss," he said while looking down. "You have visitors. I'm not sure who they are though boss."

"Get the car and five other men ready to leave in five minutes." I ordered.

He nodded and left without saying anything else. I grabbed my things and left my office. As I passed one of the guards I told them to get someone to clean my office and the mess I made.

I really don't have time for this. I'm wasting more and more time, I need to find her and bring her back safe.

I got into my car and speeded away from the warehouse with some of my men following behind me in a different car.

About ten minutes later, we arrived in front of my mansion and I saw three black SUV's parked outside. I made sure my gun was loaded before exiting the car.

I'm sure it's not a big threat if Dante said that he would take care of it but I could never be to safe.

I told my men to go through the back door and not to attack until I say otherwise. Walking towards the front door I softly opened it and walked inside. I made sure to close it softly, careful not to alert anyone. I walked further through the foyer and stopped when I heard voices coming from the living room.

I walked further and rounded the corner, finally seeing who my 'visitors' are. When I entered the room, everyone stopped talking and faced me.

There were four unfamiliar men sitting in my living room with Dante sitting opposite them. Three of them looked around the same age as me, maybe a bit older. And their was an older man that looked very familiar.

The older man glared daggers at me and immediately got up from the couch charging towards me. But before he could even lay a finger on me, we heard a click of a gun.

It was Dante, aiming his gun towards the man's head. "Don't even try it, old man." He said with a smirk playing on his lips.

I looked back at the man and he stood there, still glaring at me.

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