Chapter 13

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Angela's pov

"Do you need anything before we go back?" Elijah asked me. We were back in Italy and just got out of the airport.

Elijah was driving, keeping his eyes on the road. He glanced towards me and I looked away.

"No, we can just go back to your mansion." I said.

"Okay, I have to go do some work and make sure everything is still running smoothly after the attack." he informed me. "So I'll be back later this evening."

I just nodded and looked out the window. I'm still not sure what I plan on doing for these two months. It's not like I know places or stuff I could do. I wonder if Elijah would take me. He surely wouldn't let me go on my own.

I turned back towards him. "Can you show me around Italy?" I asked him. "Not now though, whenever you're free." I added.

He glanced at me from the conner of his eye. "Yes, I'll show you around." he replied. "Tomorrow?" he asked and I smiled.

"Yes, thank you."

Minutes later, we arrive at the mansion. He dropped me off and went to the warehouse.

Walking inside, I was engulfed into a tight hug. The smell of freshly baked pastries, making it's way through my senses. "Oh honey, thank goodness you're okay!" Mrs Perez exclaimed. "I was so worried about you."

I hugged her back, cherishing the motherly feeling she was giving. "I'm fine Mrs Perez, Elijah and my brothers got me in time." I said as she pulled away.

She placed both of her palms onto my cheeks and looked at me with so much love and care. There was even a few tears forming in her eyes.

"I didn't want to loose you again." She whispered. I think she didn't want me to actually hear that, as she quickly removed her hands from my face and cleared her throat.

"I'm happy you came back dear." She smiled at me. "I'm baking some pastries in the kitchen" why don't you come and join me."

I smile brightly at her as she leads me to the kitchen. I loved baking. Back home, I used to bake all the time for my brothers and father. Since I didn't have much to do around the house, baking was one of the few things I did and enjoyed.

"You can start mixing the ingredients and I'll just put these into the oven." She said and walked towards the big oven in this unnecessarily huge kitchen.

After about two more hours of baking and enjoying my time with Mrs Perez, I went to my room and showered.

When I was done, I got dressed and sat on the bed while looking around the room.

I guess I can do whatever I want now, right?

Elijah didn't tell me that I should stay in my room or anything. And there isn't any guards following me around.

I smile at the thought of Elijah giving me the little freedom that I desired for, for so long.


I was sitting outside on the swing, in the same garden I found that day the mansion was attacked.

I sighed as I looked around the garden.It was so peaceful with the beautiful flowers adorning the area.

We had a garden at our house but it wasn't as beautiful as this one.

"At least now I know this is your favorite place in the mansion." I hear Elijah say as he walked towards the swing and sat down next to me.

"Yeah, it's beautiful." I said as I looked around the garden, admiring the place even more.

"Yes it is." He said as he looked at me. I smiled at him and his features visibly soften.

"Why do you always do that?" I asked him and he raised a brow at me in question.

"Do what?"

"You always have this stone cold look on your face, when you're actually just a sweetheart inside." I say, trying to hide the smile that was threatening to form on my face.

"I'm not a 'sweetheart' on the inside." He replied and gave me a bored expression.

"Well I see that part of you a lot." I said.

"You seem to be the only one then." he mumbled and looked away from me.

I giggled and got of the swing. He looked at me again and I gave him a bright smile.

"I like your smile." He said.

Heat rose to my cheeks and I turned around, facing the small pond. "Thanks."

After a few more silent minutes, Elijah spoke up. "There's this ball I have to attend this Friday and I was wondering if you would want to come with me, as my plus one?" he asked he stood next to me.

I turned to him, excitement filling me. "Really!" I smiled at him. "Yes I would love to. I always wanted to go with my brothers to these events but they never allowed me to go."

He gave me a small smile and I almost melted. He was trying so hard not to smile."I'll get you everything you'll need for the ball." he said.

"Thank you."

After that we went back inside and we had dinner. Elijah enjoyed the pastries that we baked, which was surprising.

He told me that my father would be calling me later. My father was furious when he found out that I didn't leave with my brothers. He was about to come and get me himself but luckily, Mason convinced him somehow not to.

After talking to him and assuring him that I would be fine, I went to bed. It's actually Elijah's bed, he insisted that I stay in his room and not in the others, 'to insure my safety'. He's sleeping in the room next door and I feel guilty about that. He's already doing so much for me and I don't know why.

We still barely know each other but he's willing to do so much for me. Which only supports my point about him being a sweetheart on the inside.

I sigh and turn on my side, closing my eyes and letting sleep consume me once again.


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