Chapter 5

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Angela's pov

After Elijah left again, I went upstairs to my room. It was hard finding it at first but one of the guards luckily showed me the way. I don't think most of them understand English beacuse I tried talking to one of them and they only understood certain words.

I wonder how Elijah sounds when he speaks in Italian...

When I entered the room, I see all the shopping bags on the bed. I walked towards it and took it to the huge closet on the other side of the room.

Standing in the middel of the closet, I looked at all the men's clothes on one half of the closet.

I decided to just put all my clothes on the other side, so that I don't touch or try to move anything that is not mine.

After I was done, I changed into some comfortable clothes. A tank top and some shorts.

I was so tired that I just clasped on the bed. I closed my eyes for a minute, just trying to take a breather from the couple of events that has taken place so far.

I can't believe that the one night that I decided to sneak out, that I actually got kidnapped by a handsome mafia man that doesn't want to let me go for some unknown reason.

I mean, what am I here for? It's not like I can give him information about our family's business because my father always made sure to keep me out of those things.He just wanted to keep me safe...

And look where I'm now.

Far away from my family, in Italy. I wonder what they are doing right now. I don't want them worrying about me.

I wish I had some sort of way to communicate with them.

I quickly sit up and run towards the door. Opening it, I look outside and see a huge bulky man standing outside my door.

He turns to look at me in question. "Is there something you need?" He asks in a thick Italian accent, and I now regret coming outside. Elijah probably said that he should guard the door for incase I leave.

Now I feel like a real prisoner.

"Do you have cell phone I could use?" I ask quietly. He rises one of his eyebrows and takes out his phone.

He dials a number and puts the phone to his ear. "Hello Boss, sorry for disturbing you, but Miss Santiago is asking if she could make a phone call." He asks, more than likely speaking to Elijah.

After a few seconds he just nods and hands the phone to me. "Boss, wants to speak with you." He says before leaving to stand far away enough from hearing distance.

I put the phone to my ear, "Hello..." I say softly.

"Hello Angel," He says with such gentleness that I almost melt into a puddle. "you want to make a phone call?"

"Yes." I say.

"Well, who will this phone call be to?" He asks and I'm suddenly nervous, moving from one foot to another.

"Uhm...can I call my father, Antonio?" I ask and the line is quiet for a few seconds before I hear his voice again.

"What do you want to talk to him about?" He asks and I can tell he's annoyed by how he gritted out his words.

He probably thinks that I will tell my farther where I am. I really want to but I know I can't, otherwise he won't let me talk to them again. And besides I know Elijah won't hurt me, or at least I hope so.

I'm putting a lot of faith into someone I met a few days ago, but I somehow feel safe with him. I don't know why though.

All of this is really confusing.

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