Chapter 22

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Elijah's pov

I sigh as I watch Angela leave my office. I wanted to spend more time with her, but I have a ton of things to do.

Dante enters the room and sits in front of my desk.

"So what was that all about?" he asks,while leaning back against his chair.

"Angela showed  me a video that she posted on this so called app, tik tok."

Dante straighten up. "She posted the video?"

"Yes?" I raise an eyebrow. "But I made her take it down."

Dante released a breath of relief.


He looks slightly surprised that I asked. "You do realize that if anyone of our enemies or her father's enemies saw that, they could track her down, right?"

No. I was too focused on Angela's hips and behind, and the men that might see it, that I didn't think of that.

I straighten up and clear my throat. "Of course I knew that." I lied.

"Sure." Dante scoffed before getting a call.

"Hello." He answers.

"Oh," he glances at me and I mouthed that he should put it on speaker.

He placed the phone on my desk and puts the call on speaker.

"Can you repeat what you said, Lorenzo." Dante asks. "Elijah's listening."

"I made a few calls and found a guy who can give you information on Nikolai's whereabouts." He says.

"Name?" I ask

"Felix Fedorov." he replied

"Does he work for him?" Dante asks.


I raise an eyebrow. "And how do we know he won't snitch to his boss." I ask.

"He lives in a run down house with a pregnant wife and a five year old daughter. He has been living there for over four years to be able to report things back to his boss from here. Nikolai clearly isn't paying him enough to be able to support his family, beacuse he is working two jobs and selling drugs in his neighborhood. So if you give him the right amount..."

"He will spill all the information I need."I finish his sentence.

"Yes. But if he truly is loyal to Nikolai, we would have to take another approach." He adds.

"And what's that?" Dante asks.

"His family."

I immediately shake my head. "We're not touching his family, Lorenzo." I grit out.

"I wasn't planning on doing that." He says and I lean back in my chair, relaxing my muscles.


"We could either threaten them, but won't hurt them. Or just simply take them away from him." He says. "Just to scare him and making him believe that we hurt them."

I nod my head and signal to Dante to end the call.

He picks up the phone, "Make sure to send the address. Thank you, Enzo." He says before ending the call.

Lorenzo isn't apart of my mafia or any mafia on that matter. He mostly works undercover and gets me information on rival gangs or mafias. He's also the best and feared assassin in the world. He doesn't specifically work for anyone. He prefers working alone and doesn't necessarily like taking orders.

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