Chapter 26

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Angela's pov

TW : mentions of abuse.

The sound of my phone ringing is the first thing I hear when I enter the bedroom. It's around midnight and I was planning on going to bed earlier but Nicole and Dante were busy screaming at each other the whole time-I'm sure everyone in the mansion could've heard them.

So while they were arguing, I was playing with my new kitten, Bubbles.

Picking up my phone, I see Theo's name flash across the screen.

"Hello, Theo." I answered.

"Hey sweet pea." He greets back. "I thought you would be asleep by now."

"I couldn't sleep." I say as I lay down on the bed. "And why would you even call me if you thought I was asleep?"

"To annoy you by waking you up from your peaceful slumber." He says in a 'duh' tone.

"Of course." I say with an eye roll.

He chuckles softly before clearing his throat. "So let's get this over with. I don't want to prolong this anymore than I already have."He sighs before asking, "What do you want to know first?"

I almost forgot about the conversation we had this morning. I sat up and leaned back against the headboard. Bubbles jumbs onto the bed and snuggles herself on my lap. I smile while running my fingers through her soft fur.

"What kept you guys so busy?" I asked Theo.

"We were looking for someone." He says hesitantly.

"Who is this someone?"

He sighs before answering, "I can't tell you, Angela."

Then what's the point of this conversation? I wanted to ask but refrained.

"And why not?" I ask.

"Don't worry about it, okay?It's nothing you should worry about. We just have to confirm some things before we tell you."

And there it is again. Don't worry about it. Of course I'm going to worry. They always expect me to just sit back and do nothing. To keep me out of the loop. To protect me.

Shouldn't I be able to protect myself? They won't always be there to protect me. So when the situation arises, I should  be able to take care of it myself.

They should be raising a strong and independent daughter and sister. Not a weak one who can't protect herself.

I sigh and look up towards the ceiling. "Why do you guys always keep secrets from me? Don't you trust me? Or do you think I'm too weak to be able to handle it?" I whisper the last part.

"No,sweet pea." He says quickly. "We trust you. And you're not weak."

Why didn't he deny that they keep secrets from me?

"That's how you make me feel." I say softly.

"Like I said earlier, it's complicated. I want to tell you what's going on, Angela . Trust me, I do. But father doesn't want me to and you know I can't go against his word." Theo says, frustration coating his voice.

I sigh in defeat. "Fine. I have to go. Talk to you later." I say before hanging up the phone.

I close my eyes, instantly feeling bad about hanging up on him. I'm not mad at Theo. I just hate the fact that after everything, they still keep secrets from me and treats me like I'm some fragile doll.

I groan, wanting to throw my phone across the room. But I halt when my phone starts ringing again.

It's my father.

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