Chapter 14

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Angela's pov

Elijah and I were sitting in the dinning room, having breakfast, while I was the only one rambling about all the things me and my brothers used to do as kids.

He would occasionally nod and answer whenever I asked him a question which I appreciated.

"Be ready in five minutes, we're leaving.He said as he wiped his mouth with a napkin after finishing his food.

I did the same and smile at him. He told me earlier this morning that he would be showing me some places around town. I was so excited that I couldn't stop smiling.

After I got dressed, I made my way towards the front door but as I rounded the corner, I bumped into someone.

"Sorry..."The voice said and I looked up only to see Dante standing there. But what caught my eye first was the small cut on his cheek and his bloody nose and lip.

"What happened to you?" I asked him and he looked confused before he realization took over.

"Oh this?" he gestures towards his face, seeming unfazed by it. I only nodded and he continued. "It's nothing really, I just got into a fight with this guy at a bar, that thought putting drugs into girls drinks when they weren't looking, was funny." he shurgged and walked towards the stairs.

"Well are you okay?" I asked, a bit worried.

"Yeah I'm fine." he said with a smile as he continued walking. "You should see the other guy!" he shouted over his shoulder as he disappeared upstairs.

I softly chuckled and walked out of the house. Elijah was standing next to the car, while typing something on his phone. As I neared him, he looked up from his phone and gazed over my body for a few seconds before his gazed met mine.

"You look beautiful." he said as he opened the door for me. I smiled at him shyly and thanked him.

He got into the car and sped off. I have no idea where we're going. He just told me that he would be taking me to a few places that he knows I would like,which was confusing because how would he know what I like, right?

After a few minutes of driving in a conformable silence with the radio playing in the background, we finally arrived at our destination.

I got out of the car after Elijah opened the door for me. It's kind of sweet that he does that,even though he still has that emotionless mask on his face.

I looked around the area and noticed that we were at the beach,but there wasn't any people here. I wonder why?

The beach looked beautiful though, the waves crashing in the distance with the salty air surrounding us. This side of the beach looked more secluded, with trees surrounding the area behind us and huge rocks near the water.

It looked beautiful.

"It's my private beach." Elijah's voice interrupted my thoughts as he stood next to me, looking towards the water.

"A private beach? really?" I ask him. It seems  unnecessary and it doesn't look like he would come here very often.

"Yeah, I don't use it much, but some of the men come here whenever I give them a day off." He said. "And no one lives near this area, so they won't get into unnecessary trouble when they get drunk."

I nodded my head, that sounds reasonable.

Elijah gently took my hand and lead me more  towards the beach. I quickly removed my shoes when I stepped onto the soft sand. Elijah took off his dress shirt and threw it onto the ground.

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