Chapter 16

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Dante's pov

I get out of the car and open the backseat door. I grab the girl and take her into my house.

I don't come here very often beacuse I'm mostly at the mansion. My house is more of a cabin and isn't very far from the mansion.It's located in the woods next to a small lake.

I only come here whenever I want a break from my hectic lifestyl. It's peaceful and calm, which makes it easy for me to escape from reality for a while.

Elijah and I had a heated discussion concerning the girl. He wanted me to leave her and promised that he would help me find my watch from whoever bought it from her. But I'm stubborn and didn't want to just let her off the hook so easily. She stole from me.

And I'm going to make sure she regrets ever touching something that belongs to me.

I open the front door to my cabin and walk towards the last room down the hall. I open the door and enter the room before laying her down on the small bed.

The room was small and plain. Only consisting of a bed and dresser. There's also a door that leads to a small bathroom, with a sink and toilet. I didn't use it for anything, but I'll make sure this is her temporary prison.

I look down at the girl. She was pretty short and when I held her, it felt like she almost weighed nothing by how light she felt. I slowly bring my hand to the top of her hoodie and gently pull down her hood that was covering her face.

When her face is revealed, I freeze.

What the heck?!

She had a big purple bruise forming on her left eye and there's a small cut on her cheek with dried blood. I'm pretty sure I didn't put that there.

I move her hair out of her face to get a better look, but her eyes slowly flutter open and my eyes widen when she stares directly at me.

She wasn't supposed to wake up for about five more hours. And I'm sure I gave her a decent amount to keep her knocked out for way longer.

She shuts her eyes again and groans, while holding her head in her hands. I quickly move away from her and stand next to the door, not letting any emotion be visible on my face.

She softly rubs her eyes with her tiny fists and slowly start to sit up, while looking around her. She sees me and freezes.

Now that her hood was down, I could see her face more clearly. She was quite attractive, despite the bruises on her face. She had long brown locks of hair, some strands falling in front of her face while the rest sprawled down her back. She also had light amber eyes, that seems to shine under the light the room was providing. Her plump lips were a light pink color, which looked very soft aswell.

I shaked my head, ignoring the thoughts that were invading my head. I can't get distracted. She stole from me.

A scowl forms onto her face as she glares at me. "Where the hell am I?!" she shouts as she tries to get of the bed, but stumbles back.

The sedative I gave her must of only made her body weak.

I just give her a sly smirk and her glare deepens even more. "Where are you going?!" she shouts as I swiftly turn around and grab the doorknob.

I don't provide her an answer and quickly shut the door. I take out the master key, that works on all the locks in my house, and lock her inside.

I hear shuffling coming from behind the door before she started banging her fists against the door.

"No wait!" she shouts but I keep quiet. "Please! I have to go back home!" she cries out desperately.

"Please,I really have to get back home or-" She cuts herself off and that catches my attention.

"Or what?" I ask.

She doesn't reply and I hear more shuffling. A few minutes pass and she still didn't say anything. But before I could turn around to leave, I hear her voice speak up again.

"I am sorry." She mumbles. "I am sorry for stealing from you." And I can hear that she doesn't actually mean it. She probably thinks that I'll let her go if she apologized.

"A little to late for that sweetheart." I say mockingly and walk away from the door.

As I walk away with a smirk plastered on my face, I could hear her screams and how she's curses me out.

She has no idea what she has gotten herself into.


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