I duck my head a little lower.

Steve knows how I like this, the way we press together, like how I have to get so low that my mouth is right at Steve’s chest.

I tease his nipple, touching it with my thumb, suckling at it, rubbing the underside of Steve’s pec, nuzzling my face in the crease between us.

Steve makes a needy little gasp in his throat. 

Suddenly Steve is on his back, me on top of him.

His heart flips over.

He loves it when I surprises him...he loves it when he knows he’s about to really get fucked.

His left knee is still high around my ribs, but his right leg is splayed open he’s too sleepy still to really move it.

I put my hand at the underside of Steve’s knee and force him to open up even more until Steve’s leg is over my shoulder, and then I turn my head and kiss Steve’s kneecap, brushing my mouth over it, and his skin.

I start to fuck Steve slow and good, and Steve cups my neck in his hands, his head falling back against the pillows.

He moans.  

Steve touches his biceps just to feel the muscle move beneath his hands.

I suck bruises into his skin, my breath ghosting over Steve’s throat again, like before. 

“You’re gonna make me come,” he breathes, so turned on that all he can do is be honest.

He bites his own lip and I started biting his skin.

He doesn’t even say it to make me crazy, he’s just being truthful, but I go a little crazy anyway, fucking him deeper, still just as slow.

We breathe into each other’s mouths as he pulled me into a kiss. “Bucky,” Steve murmurs.  “Bucky, oh, Bucky, God, Buck ” he moans, helpless, coming hard and wet and aching, biting his own lip again, arching into him, squeezing him tight. 

“Buck,” he gasps.

“Buck,” he moans, shaking a little, gasping for air. 


The second Steve’s done I'm coming too, spilling hot inside him, and it makes Steve moan again, that feeling, how filthy it is, how sweet, how close we are. 

“Christ,” I repeat, my voice hoarse.

Me kissing his cheek again and again, panting, still moving in him slow, shallower now. 

“Christ, baby, Christ.” 

“Mmm,” Steve hums, while I  kiss the side of his face, the corner of his mouth.

Steve smiles into our kiss. 

“You fuckin’ kill me,” I murmur to him, in between demanding kisses. 

“You fuckin’ destroy me. You bring me to my god damn knees.” 

“Buck,” Steve says, and wants to give his whole self up to me all over again.

I smack a kiss on his cheek and Steve chuckles.

I'm still inside him, softening up.

It feels so intimate, so good.

In the dark of our room we smile at each other stupidly, eyes half-closed.

“We gotta be up in a few hours,” Steve murmurs to me.

Our mouths are brushing anyway, so he pouts his lips and kisses me and gets distracted doing that for a minute.

Then he says, “You wanna go back to sleep, Buck?” 

“You’re so fuckin’ sweet,” i say back sincerely.

Then he admits, “Nah, you woke me up.”

I stroke a hand through Steve’s hair. “Better than a morning run, right, baby?”  I'm kissing him again, his eyebrow, his cheek, his mouth. 

“Go back to sleep,” I murmur. 

“Go back to sleep, beautiful"

Again he laid down on my chest and now we both felt asleep.

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