This Again?

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"You agree she's using him then?"

My blood went cold. He really just said that. It took a big chunk of my willpower to not get up.

"Woah, Sapnap isn't that a bit too far?" George hesitated. It's true that I have been giving him a hard time for not a reason that involved our relationship, but that's just out of line.

"Admit it, you know that she has him wrapped around her fingers. Once she needs him, he's immediately at her service" he scowled. I bit back the urge to assault his ass. He's gonna catch these hands.

"Like I said, we shouldn't be talking like this next to her-"

"Oh so you do wanna badmouth her" Sapnap cut him off.

"It's not that-" George stammered trying to find the right words.

"I honestly didn't expect a so called killer to be kidnapped" he added. I shot up from the bed instantly.

"I heard you were talking shit about me" I turned to him. His eyes widened.

"I thought you were-"

"Asleep yeah, well even if I was, I would've woken up to you two bickering over if I was using Dream or not" I got up from the bed. Sapnap scoffed, while George remained silent.

"It's true anyway" he growled. My mind was sitting between kill and talk.

"I know you two are only trying to protect him, but I am not taking advantage of him whatsoever" i remained calm. I could see why they or specifically Sapnap felt this way. I never personally knew him, but I heard a lot about him while Dream was still my guard. And from what I know, this is not how he usually acts, so he must be really pissed with me.

"Listen to me" Sapnap approached me with a deadly glare. He stood right infront of me. We were in a standstill for a while, and since he was slightly taller than me, I had to look up. George tried to talk some sense into us, but we were focused on each other's irises.

"Ellie!" I heard an exasperated sigh from the door. I didn't break my gaze yet, but just when I scoffed and turned slightly Dream tackled me in a hug.

"Please, *pant* don't run.. *pant* off on your own...*deep breath* again" he sounded exhausted. A pang of guilt hit me when I saw he was covered in dirt and small wounds. I hugged him back. When I looked back to Sapnap, he looked at him in disappointment. I could tell he wanted to say something so very badly.

"I'm sorry I made you run around so much" I whispered in his ear. Sapnap shook his head and left the building with George following after him. We kept hugging for awhile until I heard light snoring. I realized Dream had fallen asleep on me. I guided him to the bed and gently laid him down.

"Why do you torment yourself like this?" I mumbled while trying to inspect if he had any wounds.

"Because I love you" he muttered while turning to his side. My cheeks were dusted pink.

Honestly, that was the most adorable thing I've ever heard. Not too long after Dream fell asleep, there was yelling outside the house. I glanced out the window to see George and Sapnap arguing. What's with them and fighting when people are asleep right next to them. Seriously.

"Why can't you be happy for him!?"

"Why can't YOU see she's not good for him!?"

I opened the door making them go quiet. I closed the door softly as to not make too much noise. I turned back to see the two on opposite sides. That's not ideal.

"Will you two stop arguing infront of sleeping people?" I whisper yelled at them. George looked away angrily, while Sapnap's expression stayed the same.

"When you leave this land that is" he rolled his eyes. I don't even have the energy to be mad at him at this point.

"You know, that he'll just follow me outside anyways" I rubbed my eyelids.

"How did he fall for a bitch like you..?" he grumbled. I threw a knife that passed by his black hair. George gasped.

"You heard the whole fucking story. What more proof do you want!?" I exclaimed.

"Guys quie-"

"I want proof that you're willing to fight for him! Not be a weak little damsel in distress, and let him come rescue you everytime you're in danger. Some 'dangerous murderer' YOU are!" he exaggerated every single word. I was pissed beyond belief. Add tiredness to that, and I was really frustrated.

"I would want a damsel in distress rather than a shitty best friend!" I yelled, making the conversation dead silent. Sapnap hung his head low, while George covered his mouth in shock. Suddenly I hear a sword being unsheathed. Sapnap had his sword in hand ready to throw hands right then and there.

"Wanna see what this shitty best friend can do?" he taunted. I got my weapon in defence.

"Sapnap calm down!" George tried to reason with him, but he was pushed away.

"Get away! This isn't your problem" he maintained eye contact. In the blink of an eye, Sapnap dashed towards me and the clashing of metal was heard throughout the whole server. We held firm, two tired assassins trying to overpower the other.

"If you wanna go, we'll go then!" I tried to sweep his feet, but he jumped back. We continued to insult and attack each other, but George went infront of me to try and save me, but in one sudden move, he was slashed across his arm. Sapnap gasped and looked in shock at what he did. I immediately rushed to his aid. He was grasping his arm and groaning in pain.

"What the fuck Sapnap?!"


I have an idea. And this is the first stage of that. I'll try to make the total chapters at most 35. I know the pain of having to read long ass books. So yeah.

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